I am continually fighting the flab. Because I have arthritis I am not able to do much exercise, and although I cut down on my food intake the amount of weight I loose is so disheartening that I soon give up. I have tried umpteen different diets, but seem to have put on more and more weight every time I stop.
I am getting quite depressed and would really like to find a way to "happily" lose some weight, well abiout 3 stones.
God afternoon,
Thank you for your information request.
Although Bioflow does not directly cause weight loss what it does do is dramatically reduce pain and in many cases eliminate pain altogether. Without arthritic pain you become more active which in turn help weight loss.
You have nothing lose except pain - if after 3 months you can't see any benefits, this is most unlikely, return your Bioflow for 85% refund.
Will be pleased to send you a catalogue.
With kiond regards
Derek Hawkins
Hi, try eating virgin coconut oil - it is great stirred into porridge. Coconut oil increases metabolism and helps fight excess fat - turning your body into a fat burning furnace and providing extra energy. It is good for the heart, arthritis, immune system and normalises the bowel and helps those with IBS, crohns & ulcerative colitis. It can do much more than this and we suggest you google "virgin coconut weightloss" and see where it leads you....... It is also a great body moisturiser and can be used as a sunscreen once a base tan is established. Because it is 100% coconut - there are no nasty chemicals going on the skin. Women can absorb up to 2Kg per annum of chemicals thru body lotions, shower gels, cosmetics etc.! Have a look on our website which links to research too www.eoco.org.uk/coconut. The other things that help are indeed bioflow (we stock these too), cool oil (omega 3+6+9) and if you get capsules of chondroitin, glucosamine & msm mixed - these are for long term use and usually really kicks in at around 9 months. You can also use an oil called plai - it can be used neat or diluted and it is natures volterol - just use it locally where you have most pain. It is fab for pain relief. Our local hospice is using lots of it and reporting good results. Hope that all helps! Take care, sue
I agree that Hypnotherapy can be very helpful in developing good habits - which is what is required, rather than 'dieting'. It is now well known that constant dieting creates a yo-yo effect in terms of losing weight then putting it back on - and more! It can also help with positive thinking!
Also the Bioflows have had excellent results with arthritis over the years. Sue's advice on other possible nutritional aids, I would also agree with.
Another possible route to follow would be Kinesiology which can detect, through muscle testing, if there are any emotional , nutritional, hormonal or other causes of both the arthritis and weight issues.