i have a problem. whenever i am asked any question that requires any thinking whatsoever, i choke. i freeze up. you could ask me a question, even a simple math question, and for some reason i have .... View More
i m suffering from puj obstruction...due to which my left kidney is getting big(hyderonephrosis)....doctors told me for surgery.they will cut ureter pipe...what to do?
I am overwieght and recently started working on lossing weight. I currently weigh 350lbs (down from 365lbs). Basically, I used to eat fast food like 5 to 6 times a week. I have limited my fast food.... View More
is it possible to cause any damage to internal organs, to ovarius or thin skin of genitals?
Sincerely Todorka
Hello,I've undergone Ultrasound scan,it found the below report:Right ovary measures 4.9 x 4.4 cm. Left ovary measures 7.5 x 3.2 cm. Right ovary shows a cyst of size 3.5 x 3.1 cm.Left.... View More
Hello.I'm 20 and in my first serious relationship of around 6 months.I've noticed some things I think might mean I have rocd(relationship obsessive-compulsive disorder).1)I love my boyfrien.... View More