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Diploma in Herbology and Herbal Medicine

Tags: Herbology course, herbal medicine, distance learning

This Course has been viewed 1751 times.

Diploma in Herbology and Herbal Medicine Course 201

Prerequisite: N/A

Duration: 200 hours. Normally takes 9-12 months

Award: DHerb

Notes: The course is comprised of 6 modules and each module is accompanied by test papers. Some modules also require additional projects such as the creation of an herb garden and the design of an herbal first aid box.

Syllabus:   Module 1 is based on the history of herbal medicine. Module 2 is an introduction to Botany. Module 3 and 4 concentrate on common conditions from which you may suffer. Module 5 and 6 continues the theme of discussion on the more common ailments that afflict the human body. After completing module 5 and 6 you should be able to demonstrate an understanding of the effects of herbal medicine upon the body and be able to give a detailed knowledge of a further 8 herbs. Finally the student will be required to create a herbarium. This is a collection of dried plants as for use in scientific study.

Price: $2850.00

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