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Auntie Vi AromatherapyBlend

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When MRSA (Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus) hit the headlines five years ago, Green Valley Aromatherapy did some research and found that Manchester University had found three essential oils that destroyed MRSA, the strain of Staphylococcus aureus that is resistant to a large group of antibiotics.

The most challenging problem of this bacteria is it's resistance to antibiotics. This staph infection is being passed from humans to animals and is mutating within different species of animals. Dr. Peter Warn told the BBC when he was interviewed Dec 2004 that they had discovered three essential oils that destroyed MRSA. When tested in the lab, absolutely nothing grew. Rather than stimulating bacteria and fungi the oils killed them off.

The theory is that essential oils are made up of a complex mixture of chemical compounds which the ever-mutating superbug finds difficult to resist. These compounds are naturally occuring and are derived from plants. No two essential oils are alike which is the perfect complex compound to combat a mutating superbug. Current treatments such as antibiotics are made up of single compounds so MRSA becomes resistant very quickly. The biggest problem for the Manchester University research is funding. Because essential oils are naturally occuring, drug companies are not interested in investing in the research as they can't make a profit from a product that is naturally occurring and can't be patented.

This essential oil blend has been used by a number of sufferers of Morgellon's Disease, with positive results.

Our Auntie-Vi blend is a fierce opponent to bacterial and viral infections. It contains the essential oils of Black Spruce, Cinnamon, Clove, Lemon, Oregano, Tea Tree and Thyme.

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