Our amazing products work by harmonizing and neutralizing Geopathic stress, electromagnetic radiation, noxious energies, earth energies, fault lines, benker crossings, ghost lines, ley lines, 400 grid crossing, microwave beams, mobile phone radiation, wifi & computer radiation, fluro lights, noxious energies, water veins, improves growth of all plants. These truly innovative, energy enhancing products to bring the energy of your home or office back to nature.
We provide highly effective Orgone generators, Orgone Energy Domes, Cell Phone Radiations Shields, Orgone jewelry, Radiation Shielding & our truly amazing Geoclense EMR harmonizers. Protect your family from these noxious energies and watch your health and well-being improve, & bring the energy of nature back into your home. Remove electromagnetic radiation, Geopathic stress & EMF Radiation from Digital Televisions and iPhones with Orgone Energy.