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Krill Oil - The New Super Omega 3

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Pure Antarctic Krill Oil -  The Ultimate Omega Superfood 60 Ruby Red 500mg soft gels

Omega fish oil is said to be essential for health and the two key healthy fats within Omega 3 are DHA & EPA. Found in oily fish like mackerel & salmon, many experts now agree we must take Omega 3 seriously in our diet for good health.

Omega 3 may help maintain and support the following

*Reduce blood pressure.  *Lower cholesterol levels.  *Help reduce the hardening of arteries.

*Support good cardiovascular health.  *Reduce the risk of heart disease.

*Assist brain and memory function. *Reduce inflammation of the joints like arthritis.

* Assist with bone health. *Assist the building blocks of our cells. *Increase antioxidant levels

*Reduce PMT symptoms. *Improve skin health *Assist the immune system

Although eating oily fish is good for our health ,unfortunately the omega can sometimes be damaged due to sea pollution and food processing. Hence many health experts agree a good Omega 3 supplement should be taken to ensure you get the required pure amounts on a daily basis.

What is Krill ?

Krill is a small shrimp-like creature that lives deep in the oceans and is the main diet for sea based creatures like whales, seals, squid etc. Krill oil omega 3 offers all the muti health benefits associated with omega 3 fish oil shown above but much more.

Why Krill Oil ?

Krill oil has 4 major benefits over fish oil

1. Krill oil omega 3 is principally in a phospholipid structure where as fish oil is in a less durable structure called Triglyceride . Research now suggests that the phospolipid structure is less prone to damage , far more potent and more preferentially transported to the body than omega 3 fatty acids in Triglyceride form found in fish oil omega. For this reason krill oil is seen as a more bio efficient , potent and superior omega 3.

2. Krill oil contains one of the most powerful antioxidants known to man. Its called Astaxanthin. Astaxanthin is said to be more powerful than the respectable antioxidant supplements Vitamin E and CO Q10. Many health experts agree that antioxidants are now seen as beneficial for health and are found in foods like fruit and vegetables. Antioxidants are said to fight free radicals in the body which may cause illness and ageing .So with krill oil you also get powerful antioxidant support unlike fish oil.

3. Pollution Free - Krill is at the bottom of the food chain deep in the crystal clear waters of the Antarctic where its farmed with unique harvesting methods to ensure pure , unpolluted and the most potent omega oil available for health. Unlike many fish sources, krill is pollution and toxin free.

4. Longer Shelf Life - Up to 2 years due to the Triglyceride structure.

No wonder Krill Oil is the new super omega !

Silvertown Health Pure Antarctic Krill Oil is taken only from the Antarctic waters and is classed as the purest Krill on earth. Our supplier is a leading worldwide krill harvester who works with the World Wide Fund For Nature to ensure the highest environmental standards at all times.

The Silvertown Health Pure Antarctic Krill Oil also has the following benefits.

* Huge ongoing supply and a highly renewable and sustainable source.

* Controlled supply and traceability chain from catch to capsule for maximum quality.

* Unique harvesting system ensures no other species caught other then krill.

* Unique harvesting system that ensures the highest grade omega is retained

* No fishy after taste or reflux

* Packed in the UK in a pharmaceutical approved facility

* Novel Food Approved  

Krill oil is taking America and Scandinavia by storm and is said to overtake omega fish oil sales in the future due to its superior health benefit content. Let Krill Oil upgrade your Omega daily intake to a new level of optimum health.

Due to heavy demand in the US and Europe the UK has seen shortages of krill oil supplements recently. For this reason please note the offer price of £15.97 can be withdrawn at any time.  

RRP £24.95 Special limited time offer price £16.97 (30 - 60 days supply depending on dose)



The Concentration of the formula make Krill Oil a vital supplement for a wide cross section of the population.

Gerard Alexander (MIH) Expert Medical Herbalist 

More Information 

Ingredients & Use of Superba Krill -

Each Capsule contains pure Superba Krill Oil Extract 500mg

Do not exceed stated dose below or take if pregnant , lactating or have any type of fish allergy. People with coagulopathy or who are taking thinning blood medication should consult their GP before use. If you are in any doubt about taking this supplement please refer to your GP.

Take 1 or 2 capsules every day with water.

Price £15.97 (60 caps)


Available from
Click to Purchase from Silvertown Health :
Krill Oil - The New Super Omega 3
01772 466182

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