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Tanita BC418MA Body Compostion Analyser

This Product has been viewed 8310 times.
Medically Approved:
The BC418ma is medically approved for use in clinical/university studies and hospitals. MDD Approved, NAWI class III

Column Display:
This all-in-one model includes a column-mounted digital display for ease of use. The integrated printer provides a complete body composition profile in seconds.

Displayed Features:
Features include Weight, Body Fat Percentage, Body Fat Mass, Fat Free Mass, Total Body Water and Basal Metabolic Rate. The displays also shows segmental results for these areas:
Right arm
Right leg
Left arm
Left leg

Tanita Software:
For more in-depth reporting, the TBF-410GS can be connected to a PC running Tanita's new software. This will give other measurements including Basal Metabolic Rate, Total Body Water, Fat Free Mass and Fat Mass.

Single-Point Load Cell:
While most other professional scales rely on inexpensive mechanical levers and springs that may wear out quickly, Tanita's weighing system consists of a "motionless" block of solid metal known as a Single-Point Load Cell. Available in all of Tanita's professional weight scales, the Single-Point Load Cell provides superior accuracy and durability, resulting in fewer call-outs for calibration and repair.ss and Fat Mass. Single-Point Load Cell: While most other professional scales rely on inexpensive mechanical levers and springs that may wear out quickly, Tanita's weighing system consists of a "motionless" block of solid metal known as a Single-Point Load Cell. Available in all of Tanita's professional weight scales, the Single-Point Load Cell provides superior accuracy and durability, resulting in fewer call-outs for calibration and repair.
Available from
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Tanita BC418MA Body Compostion Analyser
0800 915 4201

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