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ZOTRIM Pack - 2 x 90 tablets 20-30 days supply (2-3 tablets, 3x daily)

This Product has been viewed 4063 times.

Zotrim® is the unique herbal product which research shows could really help weight loss.  Zotrim tablets contain the herbal extracts Yerba Maté, Guarana and Damiana.

Now manage your weight your way
The primary cause of being overweight is eating more than your body needs.  Zotrim is designed to help you reduce how much you eat.  Zotrim offers a way to help lose weight gradually and healthily, as part of a calorie-controlled diet and exercise programme.  Having achieved a healthy weight, Zotrim can help you maintain lasting results.

Zotrim - the product with proof
Zotrim is the product with proof. Excellent evidence is presented in a peer-reviewed paper published in a prominent nutrition journal**.  The paper features:

Zotrim in Action:
In a double blind clinical trial with overweight (but otherwise healthy) individuals on no special diet, subjects took the Zotrim formulation, or the placebo, before meals for 45 days.  The half that took the Zotrim formulation lost an average of 11 pounds over 45 days, compared with less than a pound for the placebo group.  Subjects, with continued access to the Zotrim formulation, maintained their new weight over a full 12 months.

How Zotrim works: A study using ultrasound showed that the Zotrim formulation slowed the rate of stomach emptying.  It is thought that, as the food stays in the stomach longer, you feel full faster and remain feeling full for longer.  In this way, Zotrim can help reduce overall food intake from meals and snacks.

** Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics, 14(3), 243-250, June 2001.
For a summary of this and other scientific studies with Zotrim, see section headed Evidence

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01494 725348

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