Rapid Eye Technology is a revolutionary natural breakthrough in simulating the REM sleep in a awake state. This is the bodies natural way of releasing stress and trauma. The Rapid Eye Institute is a private career school licensed by the Oregon Department of Higher Education. Get a new career or add powerful tools to an existing one. Learn how to quickly and effectively release stressfu,l emotional, mental, and physical patterns using: Eye movements, Breathing, new skills for living and many other tools.
The Rapid Eye Institute was founded by Dr. Ranae Johnson. Rapid Eye Technology (RET) is an innovative and unique form of natural healing that supports people in quickly releasing the wounds of the past and moving forward in life with a sense of well-being and joy. RET works on a physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual level . It empowers individuals to live a happy, productive life by releasing negative belief systems, negative thought forms, and emotions—all of which contribute to emotional stress. By using blinking, breathing and eye movement techniques, Rapid Eye Technology simulates a condition of sleep known as REM (Rapid Eye Movement), which happens during dreaming and is our body's natural discharge mechanism.
At the leading edge of personal growth today, RET is a revolutionary breakthrough in the treatment of emotional stress. RET is currently sweeping the nation as a faster, less painful way of reaching and releasing the following:
Abuse of all kinds
Addictions of all kinds
Depression, Anger and Grief
Family and Relationship Patterns
Basically any issue that causes stress can be released and the body retrained and the mind educated to think and react differently through the RET process and Skills for Life.
RET consists of essentially two parts:
1. Identify and release the stress-causing factors on a physical, emotional, and mental levels through the structured movement and blinking of the eyes (the RET process).
2. Learn and apply new skills for life on a physical, emotional, mental and spiritual level to create what we would rather experience in life.
Researcher, founder, author and owner of Rapid Eye Institute, Dr. Ranae Johnson first began to develop ways to assist her autistic son in 1966. Buoyed by these and many other successes, Ranae founded Rapid Eye Technology. Ranae and her research team continue research and development on the present RET model.
She has a rich psychology background and a wealth of personal experiences dealing with autistic children, stress, trauma and abuse of all kinds.
Having built a solid, proven stress release process for mental, emotional, physical and spiritual health, Ranae began in 1988 to train individuals and professionals to use this revolutionary technology. This technology can be used as a stand alone process or as a tool to compliment other healing modalities.
Ranae continues to work with diligence and creativity to make RET the dynamic, innovative program that it is today. At heart she is a thinker who is always looking to make the program better. Her considerable writing skills have produced books, developmental manuals, programs and training manuals.
She is passionate about making a difference in people's lives.
Rapid Eye has become very popular because it works so well to release old abuse, stress, trauma and educate clients to choose something different. Clients report that their lives have changed for the better.
What Makes RET Work?
RET, physiologically and psychologically, opens up the neuropathways where the energetic memories of our personal and inherited traumatic experiences are trapped. For instance, being trapped in the birth canal, trapped in a car accident, or trapped in a relationship, are all on the same neuropathway.
We believe neurons in the brain stem switch on the same way they do in REM sleep, causing communication at the cellular level throughout the body. Energy confined at the cellular level by emotional or physical trauma is thus accessed allowing energy discharge through a fast eye blinking process. Clients release issues and emotions at a comfortable rate without reliving incidents.
How Can Rapid Eye Technology Assist Me?
Do you have any personal, family or relationship patterns or issues in your family you would like to change? Rapid Eye works to release limiting patterns and beliefs. Once free from limiting patterns and behaviors set up from the past, there is energy for creating a healthy, joyful future.
Become a Rapid Eye Technitian through Online courses and distant learning with hands on training. Higher Education with Advanced RET and Master RET training. All courses are supported with a personal RET Advisor.
These details were last updated on: 21 January 2016
Years in Business
Rapid Eye Technology, Inc.
dba Rapid Eye Institute
License # 1792
Association Joined
Personal Experience
Ranae Johnson, PhD and Founder of Rapid Eye Technology
How to contact us
Tel: 503-399-1181 Fax: 503-373-3606 Mobile: 801-856-1631 Use the contact form below