For to accept your submission you must accept the following terms and conditions. Please read the following terms and conditions carefully and then indicate your acceptance.
WORLDWIDEHEALTH.COM TERMS & CONDITIONS ARTICLE SUBMISSION SUPPLEMENTARY AGREEMENT This agreement is supplementary to the general terms and conditions you accepted as a member. services are offered subject to terms and conditions. Breach of any of the terms and conditions may result in termination of services provided by WWH to you. terms and conditions are subject to change without notice. Please ensure that you are fully conversant with current terms and conditions. Definitions WWH means incorporating DMA-Worldwidehealth. Customer means the person, partnership or company that is in contract with WWH, registered as a user of WWH, registered as an advertiser with WWH, or using WWH as an unregistered user. Service means the service, services, information and/or products provided or offered by or through WWH or WWH infrastructure. Agreement means this agreement entered into by and between WWH and the Customer and is subject to the terms and conditions set out herein. 1) Duration This agreement shall come into force and effect from the moment the customer submits an article to for consideration whether by email, letter, web interface or any other means of communication.