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Baby Massage

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Baby Massage is an art of nurturing, which encourages loving communication between parents and their children by encouraging positive physical contact, bonding and stimulation of a child’s development. The first few months after having a baby can be a challenging time for parents; massage can therefore play a vital role in enriching the lives of both the baby and its parents by bringing a sense of fulfilment, contentment and well being.

Baby Massage is a source of physical and emotional nourishment for both babies and their parents and is a form of mutual exchange. It is an opportunity for parents to share their love with their babies. Helen McGuinness demonstrates a step by step guide to massaging babies safely and effectively to assist with common problems such as sleeplessness and colic. She also includes additional techniques and alternative positioning for older babies / children Includes: · Menu with easy scene selection · Contraindications and cautions · Benefits for Babies · Benefits for Parents · Preparation for Baby Massage · Hygiene Precautions · Additional Techniques · After Care Running Time: Approx 45 Minutes * Colour.


Available from

Helen McGuinness Health and Beauty Ltd





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