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Anxiety CD Program or MP3 download

This Product has been viewed 53814 times.

This hypnosis anxiety audio program should be a considered treatment option for those sufferering with anxiety.

It is a comprehensive method using hypnosis (which is relaxation, creative imagery and suggestion) to aid the release of anxiety and to increase relaxation, confidence and wellbeing.

Learn about our resource libraries, familiariety tracks, its structure and much more.

Structured using the OPSIM process to maximise program benefits.

6 CDs 16 interlinked tracks, and listening schedule progress log and other relevant information.

When you really are looking for a cost effective treatment option and you seem to have tried everything else, click on on our site, learn about our program. There is no hard sell, just useful information.

Also available on MP3 download also..


Available from

Healthy Audio Limited





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