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Transform Medical Group

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Cosmetic Surgery

Transform Medical Group

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Transform are the UK's No.1 private cosmetic surgery clinic, providing both surgical and non-surgical treatments. Popular procedures include breast enlargement, rhinoplasty, liposuction and wrinkle-smoothing treatments to name but a few of the treatments available.  Over 30 years of experience, highly regarded patient information, conveniently located clinics, comfortable, private hospitals that are registered and audited by The Healthcare Commission and personal recommendations from friends and family; these are just some of the reasons why over 150,000 patients have chosen to come to Transform for non-surgical, cosmetic or plastic surgery in the UK. 39 clinics throughtout the UK.

Popular Procedures available at Transform include...Breast Englargment

We are the largest specialist provider of breast enlargement surgery in the UK, performing more of these procedures than any other cosmetic surgery provider. We are proud to say that we have gained a reputation for achieving a completely natural looking result, using the highest quality breast implants.
Breast enlargement surgery is one of the most popular cosmetic surgery procedures for women in the UK. Size does matter for many women disappointed and unhappy with the size or shape of their breasts; they feel "out of proportion", "embarrassed" and "unfeminine". They want a bust that looks full, firm, balanced - and beautiful.
Over the past 28 years, thousands of women, who previously felt that their breasts were simply too small or had lost volume after childbirth or weight loss, have come to us for breast implants. As the market leader in this area, we offer a range of breast implants. The surgeon will talk through with you the most suitable type for you, depending on your particular body and the results you want. And we only use breast implants that have been awarded the European CE mark for quality assurance.
You can expect the team of highly qualified and specialist cosmetic surgeons and our nurses to use only the latest techniques and implant technology to create the fullness of natural breasts - so that you can revel in the confidence of a professional and beautiful result. A breast uplift is also very often combined with a breast enlargement to give you not only the fullness, but also the lift that you're after.

Rhinoplasty / Nose Reshaping
Rhinoplasty - often better known as a nose job or nose reshaping, is one of the most common cosmetic surgery procedures. And, according to many patients, it offers huge benefits. People who were unhappy with the bridge or tip of their nose or its overall profile, and who chose to have this treatment, talk of having far greater self-confidence; they no longer worry about having their photo taken or going for an interview.
Other patients have attended a consultation with us to find out how this type of surgery can help straighten or even restructure the nose after an injury.

Fat Removal/Liposuction
Liposuction is one of the most popular procedures performed in the UK, involving the removal of fat from the body. The technique has been perfected over the years to enable even better results, making it the best method of fat removal for localised areas of excess fat that have previously proved resistant to diet and exercise. This type of cosmetic surgery procedure is designed to enhance the shape of your body contours to make you feel more in proportion following the treatment.

Areas of the body suitable for liposuction treatment include the abdomen, hips, thighs and buttocks, as well as smaller areas, such as your chin or knees. The procedure can also be used to successfully reduce male chest fat - a frequent source of embarrassment among men.

Non-surgical Treatments
Everybody gets lines and wrinkles at some point in their lives - caused by the breakdown of natural collagen and hyaluronan support layers that lie just beneath your skin. This deterioration is the result of external factors such as overexposure to the sun, smoking and environmental pollution, as well as the body's natural ageing process.

Sophisticated cosmetic treatments that help combat the signs of ageing are gaining widespread popularity among both men and women in the UK.
These facial rejuvenation procedures are generally quick and simple - most can be performed during your lunch hour. We use all the latest products and techniques to help enhance your facial contours, relax muscles to remove frown lines, reduce lines, wrinkles or blemishes or create beautiful lips.

The decision to have cosmetic surgery is a huge commitment for any person to make and no one would suggest making such a judgment lightly. Here at Transform, we encourage anyone who is considering even a simple and straightforward procedure to think about it at length, and not to take any action without considering other, less serious avenues of treatment first.

We have excellent advisors at Transform who will listen to a patient and assess their individual needs and particular situation. Cosmetic surgery can, of course, have a wholly positive effect on someone's life; building a person's confidence and sometimes completely improving that person's life for the better, however it is not something that should be rushed into and here at Transform we advocate long consideration before making the decision to go ahead with surgery.

Our friendly and approachable patient care co-ordinators, along with the nursing team and the specialist doctors and nurses who are trained in non-surgical procedures, will be able to answer all your questions and provide you with sound, sensible advice tailored to your individual needs.

They will assess your situation honestly and be happy to discuss options and provide you with the information that will help you to make the right choices for you
Transform staff see hundreds of patients every week, undergoing often-drastic physical changes, but the physical change is not all that our staff sees – they also have witnessed many occasions of sheer joy at having improved or even removed a physical imperfection that has so aggrieved person for years and caused embarrassment or lack of confidence. When cosmetic surgery can help someone in this way, it can be a very positive force.

These details were last updated on: 21 March 2007
Years in Business 0
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Where to find us Head Office, 192 Altrincham Road, Manchester
Cheshire M22 4RZ United Kingdom
How to contact us Tel: 08706 099 099
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Visit our website http://www.transforminglives.co.uk

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