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Sound Healing
Inner Sound
Inner Sound - Sound Therapy for Everyone
Deep Relaxation, Pure Sound

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Inner Sound Tuning Fork Sets

Inner Sound
Tuning Fork
Inner Sound Voice Work

Inner Sound
Voice Work
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Inner Sound - Sound Therapy for Everyone

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Tags: Inner Sound sound therapy system, Inner Sound therapeutic music cds, Inner Sound for health well-being, Arden Wilken co-founder Inner Sound, sound therapy practitioner training, School for Inner Sound training

INNER SOUND is an original system of sound therapy that has evolved over many years' investigation into using sound & music to promote overall health and well-being.

Co-creators, Arden & Jack Wilken, have developed a range of techniques and tools based, primarily, on a ‘vocabulary' of short rhythmic musical patterns - which have their origins in different systems of music and sound healing.

Arden Wilken has composed over 20 different musical themes, combining a selection of motifs, that promote movement & change throughout the entire organism, helping you to release or re-define patterns of behaviour at all levels - whether mental, emotional, physical or energetic.

Inner Sound ‘motifs' are now offered through a range of tools - music, tuning forks and voice work. Our products are recommended for general health and emotional well-being; supporting your body's own healing processes; and for personal self-development including activities such as meditation and yoga. They are an ideal compliment to all forms of complementary therapy and training is available for both individuals and professionals alike.

Everyone can gain benefit from sound therapy as vibration creates a response on many different levels. Sound energy utilizes our body's own pathways to establish a rapid full-body response - such as the pleasurable tingling sensations we call ‘musical thrills'.

Establishing this 'symphony' of movement through regular listening to music, using your own voice or experiencing ‘pure' sound encourages the release of tension and helps us relax at a deep level, restoring the body's own dynamic movement for optimal function and balance. When balance is restored, the body's capacity to regulate and repair itself also improves.

In the UK, our practitioner training courses are recognized by the BCMA (British Complementary Medicine Association)and the CMA (Complementary Medical Association).

These details were last updated on: 02 April 2009
Years in Business 0
Association Joined
Where to find us 15A Queens Road, Twickenham
Middlesex TW1 4EZ United Kingdom
How to contact us Tel: 0208 891 3798
Use the contact form below
Visit our website http://www.inner-sound.co.uk

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Products &
Equipments (1)

Inner Sound Tuning Forks

Books,CDs & DVDs

Inner Sound Tools for Self-Discovery CDs

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