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Experienced Dr Wiesner specializes in compex cases

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BOARD CERTIFIED. As a distiguished college professor, Dr Wiesner has trained over 400 graduate students. He primarily taught diagnosis, methods of research, a counseling skills course, and ethics. He enjoys sharing his research with fellow psychotherapists through research journal publications and presents his research at professional conferences throughout the United States. Despite varied academic interests, his priority is the very practical business of helping clients meet their goals and reach their full potential. Dr. Wiesner focuses on clients’ strengths and passionate desires and views life and therapy as a zestful adventure and not about problems or people needing to be fixed. Dr. Wiesner is an active member of Mensa.


Wiesner, V. V., III. (2009). Item Analysis. In The ACA encyclopedia of counseling (pp. 378-384). Alexandria, VA: ACA

Eckstein, D., Wiesner,V. V., III., Li, C., Mullener, B., ,& McDonald, J. (2009).Three encouragement activities for classroom teachers, In: P. Prina, A. Millar, C. Shelley & K. John (Eds.). Adlerian Year Book 2009. London: ASIIP

Monakes, S., Garza, Y. X., Wiesner, V. V., III, & Watts, R. E. (in press). Implementing Adlerian sandtray therapy with adult male substance abuse offenders: A phenomenological inquiry. The Journal of Addictions & Offender Counseling.

Eckstein, D., Wiesner, V. V., III, Li, C. S,, Mueller, B., & McDonald, J. (2009). Three Encouragement Activities for Classroom Teachers. In P. Prina, C. Shelley, K. John & A. Miller (Eds.). Adlerian Year Book 2009, (pp. 118-137). London: Adlerian Society (UK) and Institute for Individual Psychology (ASIIP).

Wiesner, V. V., III. (2009). Prenatal brain development. In L. L. Solmonson, W. R. Mullener, & D. G. Eckstein (Eds.), W. R., & Eckstein, D. G. (2009). A thematic perspective on lifespan development (pp.38-41). El Cajon, CA: NSS Press.

Eckstein, D., Wiesner, V. V., III, Li, C. S., Mueller, W. R., & McDonald, J. (2009). Three encouragement activities for classroom teachers. In P. Prina, C. Shelley, K. John & A. Miller (Eds.), Adlerian year book 2009 (pp. 118-137). London: Adlerian Society (UK) and Institute for Individual Psychology (ASIIP).

Wiesner, V. V., III. (2009). Looking for answers in the knickknack drawer. In D. Eckstein (Ed.), The couples’ match book: Counseling activities for lighting, kindling, or extinguishing the flame (pp. 127-131). El Cajon, CA: National Social Science Press.

Wiesner, V. V., Zepp, C., Eckstein, D., & Li, C., (2008). A statistical decision tree for the helping professions. Journal of Education and Human Development, 2(2), ISSN 1934-7200, 1-8.

Eckstein, D., Love, P., Aycock, K., & Wiesner, V. V., III. (2008). The couples gender-based questionnaire (CGQ), The Family Journal: Counseling and Theory for Couples and Families. 16(2), 166-170.

Wiesner, V. V., III. (2008, January). Should semester hour requirements for professional counseling licensure be changed? The Dallas Group Psychotherapist, 5.

Wiesner, V. V., III. (2008, January). [Review of the book How to improve your marriage without talking about it]. The Dallas Group Psychotherapist, 8, 10.

Henriksen, R. C., Jr., Wiesner, V. V., III, & Kinsworthy, S. (2008). Counselor educators’ perceptions of training requirements. Journal of Professional Counseling: Practice, Theory, & Research, 36(1), 47-57.

Mouton, S., Nelson, J. A., & Wiesner, V. V., III. (2007). Perceptions of High School Students Relocated to Suburban Houston as a Result of Hurricane Katrina. Graduate Journal, 1(1), 2-17.

Wiesner, V. V., III. (2007, April). [Review of the book Schizophrenia Revealed: From neurons to social interaction]. The Dallas Group Psychotherapist, 5.

Wiesner, V. V., III. (2006, July). [Review of the book Blink: The power of thinking without thinking]. The Dallas Group Psychotherapist, 1, 5.

Wiesner, V. V., III. (2004). An examination of the relationships between affective traits and existential life positions. Dissertation Abstracts International. (UMI No. AAT 3145018)


During 2008, He received a $1,000 grant and was the principal investigator in a study of the perceptions of counselor educators on the semester hour requirements for the LPC in Texas.


Wiesner, V. V., III, Li, C. S., & Mullener, W. R. (2009, November). Teaching couples how to fight constructively. Presented at the Texas Counseling Association Professional Growth Conference, Dallas, Texas.

Wiesner, V. V., III, & Parker, C. (2009, November). Forgiveness: A cultural examination. Presented at the Texas Counseling Association Professional Growth Conference, Dallas, Texas.

Li, C., Wiesner, V. V., III, & Mullener, W. R. (2009, September). Encouragement in public schools. Presented in the College of Education, Sam Houston State University, Huntsville, Texas.

Mullener, W. R., & Wiesner, V. V., III. (2009, March). Military deployment and relationships: Will we make it? Presented at the American Counseling Association, Charlotte, North Carolina.

Wiesner, V. V., III, Henriksen, R. C., Jr., & Kinsworthy, S. (2008). Counselor educators’ perceptions of training requirements. Presented at the Texas Association for Counselor Education and Supervision Mid-Winter Conference, February 29, 2008.

Wiesner, V., Wilson, E., & Irby, B. (February, 2006). Using mathematical models to aid counselor educators in master’s program admission decisions. Presented at the Texas Association for Counselor Education and Supervision Mid-Winter Conference, Austin, Texas.

DeTrude, J., Bruhn, R., DeFrance, E., Li, C., Nichter, M., Steen, L., & Wiesner, V. (November, 2004). A perfect match: Expressive arts and clinical success. Presented at the Texas Counseling Association Annual Meeting, Ft. Worth, Texas.

Wiesner, V. (October, 2003). The influence of existential life position upon the development of personality traits. Presented at Rocky Mountain ACES Conference, Jackson Hole, WY.


He maintains the following licensures and certifications: Licensed Professional Counselor, State of Texas, #14557 National Certified Counselor, #39449 Certified Clinical Mental Health Counselor, #39449 Licensed Professional Counselor Supervisor, State of Texas #3425. He maintains the following memberships: American Counseling Association Association for Counselor Education and Supervision Texas Counseling Association Dallas Group Psychotherapy Society Mensa – High IQ Society. Accepted as a result of high test scores.

He participated in the following professional development activities:

Attended the American Counseling Association Conference in Charlotte, North Carolina, March 2009. Attended the Texas Counseling Association Professional Growth Conference in Dallas, Texas, November 2009. Workshop in Supervision, Sam Houston State University, Huntsville, Texas (August 2008). Blackboard Day 2008, Sam Houston State University, Huntsville, Texas (August 2008). Summer Leadership Conference, Huntsville, Texas, 2008. A Step-by-Step Guide to Publishing, Sam Houston State University, College of Education Professional Development Series, Huntsville, Texas, (January 2008). Attended the Texas Counseling Association Professional Growth Conference in Corpus Christi, Texas on November 8 – 9, 2007. Attended the presentation, “How Clients Change Their Counselors”, on November 9, 2007 at the Texas Counseling Association Professional Growth Conference in Corpus Christi, Texas. Presented by Dr. Jeffrey Kottler. 1.5 Hours CEUs. Attended the presentation, “Postmodern Approach to Clinical Supervision”, on November 9, 2007 at the Texas Counseling Association Professional Growth Conference in Corpus Christi, Texas. Presented by Michelle Holcomb & Michelle Shuler. 1.5 Hours CEUs. Attended the presentation, “Bad Counseling: What We have Learned or Not!”, on November 9, 2007 at the Texas Counseling Association Professional Growth Conference in Corpus Christi, Texas. Presented by Dr. Jeffrey Kottler. 1.5 Hours CEUs. Attended the presentation, “Psychopharmacology for Counselors”, on November 9, 2007 at the Texas Counseling Association Professional Growth Conference in Corpus Christi, Texas. Presented by Elizabeth Wardle, Yvette Castillo, & Mary Mayorga. 1.5 Hours CEUs. Attended the presentation, “I Can Do That!”, on November 8, 2007 at the Texas Counseling Association Professional Growth Conference in Corpus Christi, Texas. Presented by Suzie Humphreys. 1.5 Hours CEUs. Attended the presentation, “Smooth Sailing by Integrating Counseling with Neurofeedback”, on November 8, 2007 at the Texas Counseling Association Professional Growth Conference in Corpus Christi, Texas. Presented by Jacqueline Parsons & Gustavo Salazar. 1.5 Hours CEUs. Attended the presentation, “Therapeutic Silver Bullets”, on November 8, 2007 at the Texas Counseling Association Professional Growth Conference in Corpus Christi, Texas. Presented by Christopher Wilder & Brooke West. 1.5 Hours CEUs. Attended the conference of the Association for Counselor Education and Supervision in Columbus, Ohio on October 11 – 13, 2007. Attended the presentation, “Cutting Edge Technologies in Counselor Education”, on October 13, 2007 at the conference of the Association for Counselor Education and Supervision in Columbus, Ohio. Presented by Kevin W. Glavin & Julie Miller. 1 Hour CEUs. Attended the presentation, “Gate-Keepers for the Profession: Admissions Process Data & Student Outcomes”, on October 13, 2007 at the conference of the Association for Counselor Education and Supervision in Columbus, Ohio. Presented by Julie Stephens, Cathleen Barrett, Pamela Castellanos, & John Zibert. 1 Hour CEUs. Attended the presentation, “An Online Counseling Skills Course: Training Techniques, Community Building, and Course Effectiveness”, on October 12, 2007 at the conference of the Association for Counselor Education and Supervision in Columbus, Ohio. Presented by Jennifer Murdock. 1 Hour CEUs. Attended the presentation, “Setting up an In-House Counselor Training Free Clinic”, on October 12, 2007 at the conference of the Association for Counselor Education and Supervision in Columbus, Ohio. Presented by Sandra I Lopez-Baez & Amanda Flora. 1 Hour CEUs. Attended the presentation, “Developing and Enhancing Counseling Training Clinics: Basics and Beyond”, on October 12, 2007 at the conference of the Association for Counselor Education and Supervision in Columbus, Ohio. Presented by Christopher J. Quarto, John Garcia, Paul Granello, Robert Schwartz, & Adina Smith. 1 Hour CEUs. Attended the presentation, “Online Learning: What is the Right Direction?”, on October 11, 2007 at the conference of the Association for Counselor Education and Supervision in Columbus, Ohio. Presented by Jennifer Murdock, Gerald Corey, Penny Dahlen, & Natalie Kosine. 1 Hour CEUs. Attended the presentation, “Near-Death Experiences: What Counselor Educators and Supervisors Need to Know”, on October 11, 2007 at the conference of the Association for Counselor Education and Supervision in Columbus, Ohio. Presented by Janice Holden & Farnoosh Nouri. 1 Hour CEUs . Attended the presentation, “Promoting Social Justice by Gaining Understanding of American Indian Indiginous Healing Practices”, on October 11, 2007 at the conference of the Association for Counselor Education and Supervision in Columbus, Ohio. Presented by Christopher Rybak & Amanda Decker-Fitts.. 1 Hour CEUs. Attended the workshop, “Intermediate Statistics”, in June, 2007 at Texas A&M University. Presented by Dr. Bob Hall. Attended the workshop, “Structural Equation Modeling”, in June, 2007 at Texas A&M University. Presented by Dr. Victor Willson. Attended the workshop, “Missing Data”, in June, 2007 at Texas A&M University. Presented by Dr. Victor Willson. Attended the workshop, “Effect Size”, in June, 2007 at Texas A&M University. Presented by Dr. Bruce Thompson. Attended the seminar, “Effective Techniques for Dealing with Highly Resistant Clients”, on March 30, 2007 in Houston Texas. Presented by Dr. Clifton W. Mitchell. 6.0 Hours CEUs Attended the seminar, “Ethics & the Difficult Client”, on March 23, 2007 in Houston, Texas. Presented by Dr. Thomas L. Rochat. 3.0 Hours CEUs. Attended the seminar, “Recognizing the DSM-IV-TR: Personality Disorders”, on March 23, 2007 in Houston, Texas. Presented by Dr. Thomas L. Rochat. 6.0 Hours CEUs. Attended the 2006 Texas Association for Counselor Education and Supervision Mid-Winter Conference. Austin, Texas, February 16, 2007. Attended the workshop, “SASSI Administration and Scoring”, on January 12, 2007 at Sam Houston State University. Presented by Dr. Richard C. Henriksen. 3.5 Hours CEUs. Attended the presentation, “Rational Emotive Behavioral Disputation Among the Faith Based”, at the Texas Counseling Association Professional Growth Conference on December 1, 2006, San Antonio, Texas. Presented by Robert Pace, Ed.D. 3.25 Hours CEUs. Attended the presentation, “Suicide Assessment & Intervention”, at the Texas Counseling Association Professional Growth Conference on December 1, 2006, San Antonio, Texas. Presented by John Hipple, Ph.D. 1.5 Hours CEUs. Attended the presentation, “Making the Call to CPS: An Organized Approach”, at the Texas Counseling Association Professional Growth Conference on December 1, 2006, San Antonio, Texas. Presented by Laura Hodges, M.A. 1.5 Hours CEUs. Attended the presentation, “Between a Rock and a Hard Place: Tales of Resilience from the Familiar to Not so Familiar”, at the Texas Counseling Association Professional Growth Conference on November 30, 2006, San Antonio, Texas. Presented by Elizabeth Taylor, Ph.D. 1.5 Hours CEUs .Attended the presentation, “Dissertations”, at Sam Houston State University on September 28, 2006. Presented by Dr. Beverly Irby and Dr. Fred Lunenburg. Attended the seminar, “Confidence Intervals and Effect Sizes”, at Sam Houston State University on September 6, 2006. Presented by Dr. Bruce Thompson. 3 Hours. Attended the seminar, “Development of the Portfolio for Tenure and Clinical Positions” at Sam Houston State University on August 30, 2006. Presented by Drs. Yvonne Garza, Judy Nelson, and Sheryl Serres. 1.5 Hours Presented and attended the presentation, “The Supervision Workshop”, at Sam Houston State University on August 17, 2006. Presented by SHSU faculty. 3 Hours CEUs. Attended the workshop, “Counseling and Clinical Hypnosis”, at Sam Houston State University on April 29, 2006. Presented by Dr. Rick Bruhn. 6 Hours CEUSs. Attended the presentation, “APA Instruction”, at Sam Houston State University on April 19, 2006. Presented by Dr. Beverly Irby. 1 Hour. Attended the seminar, “The Merlin Principles: Unleashing the Power of Deep Trance” at the Milton H. Erickson Institute of Houston, Houston, Texas, March 24-25, 2006. Presented by Carol J. Kershaw, Ed.D., and Bill Wade, M. Div. 12 Hours CEUs. Attended the workshop, “Counseling and Clinical Hypnosis”, at Sam Houston State University on February 25, 2006. Presented by Dr. Rick Bruhn. 6 Hours CEUs. Attended the 2006 Texas Association for Counselor Education and Supervision Mid-Winter Conference. Austin, Texas, February 17, 2006. Attended the seminar, “Using Brain Research to Enhance & Energize Instruction” at Sam Houston State University, Huntsville, Texas, January 25, 2006. Seminar presented by Dr. Janet Zadina. 3 Hours CEUs. Attended the seminar, “How Emotions Drive Attention and Retention and How Connections are Formed in the Brain to Support Reflection” at Sam Houston State University, Huntsville, Texas, January 25, 2006. Seminar presented by Dr. Janet Zadina. 3 Hours CEUs. Presented and attended the presentation, “The Supervision Workshop”, at Sam Houston State University on January 9, 2006. Presented by SHSU faculty. 3 Hours CEUs. Attended seminar “Blackboard Whiteboard Tools” at Sam Houston State University, Huntsville, Texas, November 28, 2005. Seminar presented by Dr Julie Combs. 1 Hour. Attended session “The Dodo Bird Soars On: The Case for Wampold’s Contextual Model over Empirically Supported Treatment” at Association for Counseling Education and Supervision National Convention, October 22, 2005, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Session presented by Kyong Mi Choi, Melissa Jennings, & Lance C. Smith. 1 Hour CEU Credit. Attended session “Home Video Editing Technology Applied to Counseling and Supervision Interventions” at Association for Counseling Education and Supervision National Convention, October 22, 2005, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Session presented by James P. Yarborough. 1 Hour CEU Credit. Attended session “A Workshop for Counselor Educators and Students to Support Their Scholarly Writing” at Association for Counseling Education and Supervision National Convention, October 22, 2005, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Session presented by Glenn W. Lambie, Keith M. Davis, Shari M. Sias, & Edward Wierzalis. 1 Hour CEU Credit. Attended session “Props: Therapeutic Use of Common Objects” at Association for Counseling Education and Supervision National Convention, October 21, 2005, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Session presented by Dr. Joe Utay. 1 Hour CEU Credit. Attended session “The Creative Practice of Being Present in the Supervisory Relationship” at Association for Counseling Education and Supervision National Convention, October 21, 2005, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Session presented by Dr. Kathryn Oden. 1 Hour CEU Credit. Attended session “Fostering Empathy: A Creative Approach to Teaching Basic Counseling Skills” at Association for Counseling Education and Supervision National Convention, October 21, 2005, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Session presented by Leah Brew & Michael Altekruse. 1 Hour CEU Credit. Attended session “DSM and Gender” at Association for Counseling Education and Supervision National Convention, October 21, 2005, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Session presented by Karen Eriksen. 1 Hour CEU Credit. Attended session “To the Other Side of the Desk: The Transition from PhD Student to Assistant Professor” at Association for Counseling Education and Supervision National Convention, October 21, 2005, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Session presented by Joshua M. Gold, Colette Dollarhide, Kathy Evans, & Gary Miller. 1 Hour CEU Credit. Attended session “Creative Integration of Biological Measures into Counseling Research and Practice” at Association for Counseling Education and Supervision National Convention, October 20, 2005, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Session presented by Richard Hazler, JoLynn Carney, & Douglas Granger. 1 Hour CEU Credit. Attended session “How to Publish in the Journal of Counseling & Development” at Association for Counseling Education and Supervision National Convention, October 20, 2005, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Session presented by Earl Ginter Attended session “In Their Own Words: A Qualitative Look at Prolific Writers in Counseling” at Association for Counseling Education and Supervision National Convention, October 20, 2005, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Session presented by Brandon Hunt & Any Milsom. 1 Hour CEU Credit. Attended weeklong workshop, “Writing in the Disciplines” at Sam Houston State University, May 16-20th, 2005. Presented by Bill Bridges & Carroll Nardone. 30 Class Hours. Attended seminar “How to Access and Use SPIN” Seminar hosted by Dr. Rick Bruhn, Sam Houston State University, Huntsville, Texas, May 4, 2005. 1 Hour. Attended seminar “What Can Home Health Care Do For You?” Seminar presented by Dr. Neal Naranjo, Huntsville, Texas, April 5, 2005. 1 Hour. Attended seminar “Document Sharing for On-line Courses” Seminar presented by Dr. Joe Kortz, Sam Houston State University, Huntsville, Texas, March 23, 2005. 1 Hour. Attended 2005 Texas Association for Counselor Education and Supervision Mid-Winter Conference. Austin, Texas, February 25, 2005. Attended Sam Houston State University dedication honoring the First African American Admitted to Sam Houston State University in 1964 – John Arthur Patrick. February 22, 2005, Alumni Garden. Attended seminar “In Search of Jiminy Cricket: The Texas Ethics Code” at Sam Houston State University, Huntsville, Texas. Seminar presented by Fernando C. Gomez, January 21, 2005. Attended seminar “Q-Methodology” at Sam Houston State University, Huntsville, Texas, November 12, 2004. Seminar presented by Dr. Rafael Reyes Chávez. Attended session “Taking Back our Kids” at Texas Counseling Association Annual Professional Growth Conference, November 5, 2004, Ft. Worth, Texas. Session presented by Dr. William J. Doherty. 1 Hour CEU Credit Attended session “Counseling With Solutions” at Texas Counseling Association Annual Professional Growth Conference, November 4, 2004, Ft. Worth, Texas. Session presented by Michelle Weiner-Davis. 1.5 Hours CEU Credit. Attended session “Effective Counselor Supervision” at Texas Counseling Association Annual Professional Growth Conference, November 4, 2004, Ft. Worth, Texas. Session presented by Dr. Carolyn Kern. 1.5 Hours CEU Credit. Attended Texas Counseling Association Annual Professional Growth Conference, November 4-5, 2004, Ft. Worth, Texas. Attended seminar “Three Ways to Collect Data.” Seminar presented by Dr. Rebecca Robles-Piña, Sam Houston State University, Huntsville, Texas, October 21, 2004. 1 Hour. Attended seminar “Work Style Assessment.” Seminar presented by Dr. Barbara Polnick, Sam Houston State University, Huntsville, Texas, September 8, 2004. 1 Hour. Attended information session “Grant Writing Review Basics.” Presented by Toni S. Abshire and Delia Gallinaro at Sam Houston State University, Huntsville, Texas, September 8, 2004. Attended “Workshop in Supervision.” Seminar given by Dr. Rick Bruhn, Dr. Emily DeFrance, Dr. Judy DeTrude, Dr. Chi Sing Li, Dr. Mary Nichter, and Dr. Carol Parker, Sam Houston State University, Huntsville, Texas, August 23, 2004. Attended seminar “Blueprint for Success: Being the Best Assistant Professor and Becoming an Associate Professor.” Seminar presented by Dr. Beverly Irby, Sam Houston State University, Huntsville, Texas, July 7, 2004. AWARDS 2005 Nominated by the counseling department for the 2004 Outstanding Dissertation, College of Education, University of North Texas. Received runner-up certificate.  

These details were last updated on: 30 October 2011
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Texas 77019 United States
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