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Colour Therapy
Mandala Complementary Studies
Tutored, part-tutored & email/post courses for practitioners





We also supply
Flower Remedies
Colour Therapy
Crystal Therapy

Tutored, part-tutored & email/post courses for practitioners

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Tags: Crystal Healing and Therapy Courses, Colour Healing and Therapy Courses, Essence Practitioner Courses, Self-development Courses, Anatomy Physiology Courses, Astrology Courses

Mandala Complementary Studies provides an umbrella for many courses covered by the general heading of ‘energy healing'.Courses are presented across this wide field of study in a way that encourages people to develop their full potential, to grow towards becoming whole beings, physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.

Where possible these courses are accredited with the relevant organisations, to ensure validity and usefulness in an ever-changing world.

Mandala Complementary Studies is a National Open College Network Centre and on the UK Register for Learning Providers.

Mandala CS act as a host for the tutored courses provided by  the Institute of Crystal and Gem Therapists (ICGT) which comprises eleven tutors, in the UK, Middle East and Japan. ICGT is a founder member of the Affiliation of Crystal Healing Organisations.

Both Mandala CS and the Institute of Crystal and Gem Therapists (ICGT) are also Associate Members of the Institute for Complementary Medicine.


5-day Intensive Crystal Therapy Certificate Courses with Simon & Sue Lilly - June & September 2012

Distance Learning Course in Crystal Healing/Therapy with option for Practical Assessment

Distance Learning Course in Colour Healing/Therapy with option for tutored days 

Part-Correspondence for Flower Essence Practitioner

Tutored Courses in Crystal Healing/Therapy

Distant Learning Courses in Astrology

Distant Learning Courses in Anatomy & Physiology (level 2 and level3) 

Tutored Specialist days for crystal healing, colour healing, essences





These details were last updated on: 01 August 2011
Years in Business 0
Association Joined
Personal Experience Having trained originally as a yoga teacher in the 1970's, my interests spread to many related and interweaved topics. I had a busy alternative practice in kinesiology, colour, crystals, essences and nutrition for over ten years, I began writing books and teaching the topios I practiced in 1995.
My approach is down-to-Earth, humorous and very practical.
With my husband Simon, I have now written over 30 books and teach worldwide.
I manage a small team of excellent tutors under the Mandala CS umbrella. As a NOCN centre we provide educationally sound courses, providing secure grounding for therapists.
Where to find us PO Box 6, Exminster, Exeter
Devon EX6 8YE United Kingdom
How to contact us Tel: 01392 832005
Fax: 01392 832005
Use the contact form below
Visit our website http://www.mcscourses.co.uk

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