The principal objective of BCNH is to provide quality nutrition education in the UK to support the integration of Nutritional Therapy into Orthodox Medicine.
The nature of our training
At BCNH we believe that the best possible healing results can only be achieved by a thorough understanding of human anatomy, physiology and pathology. We believe in evidence-based practice; our course material is referenced and students are trained to reference their work.
Experienced lecturers and practitioners train BCNH students to achieve their highest potential. BCNH teaching methods include traditional lectures, small group seminars and one to one tutor support.
Other key objectives include:
The teaching of nutritional therapy as a health science, rather than'alternative' medicine
The training of nutritional therapists to demonstrate superior technical knowledgeand clinical skills
The promotion of nutritional therapy as a complementary discipline to orthodox medicine
Our students are trained in one-to-one clinical skills to provide nutritional support, guidance and information for their clients, achieving the best possible health outcomes.
Our principles We believe that what Hippocrates said two and a half millennia ago, is still true today:
‘Let food be your medicine and medicine be your food'