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Susan Quinn Therapist and Life Coach
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Susan Quinn is so much more than the preeminent Los Angeles anger management therapist. Yes, she's extremely successful in helping people overcome controlling-anger issues, and of course, as a licensed marriage & family therapist, she's also deeply experienced at relationship therapy. But Susan Quinn's unique contribution to the expanding field of psychotherapy is her skilled use of new Energy Therapies.

These are revolutionary, short-term therapies that get quick results for clients with depression, PTSD, fear and anxiety disorders, eating disorders or debilitating negative beliefs. They also help with controlling-anger issues and can be very beneficial in relationship therapy.

Her work with co-dependent clients using Mind Body Therapies known as EMDR , SOMATIC PSYCHOTHERAPY and EFT have augmented her reputation as the leading Los Angeles anger management therapist.

For more than two decades, Susan Quinn has helped clients overcome their fears and negative beliefs. Her vast experience has led her to a deep knowledge of Mind Body Therapies and their effectiveness.

Susan Quinn can help you trigger the positive life changes that will enable you to live your life with more ease and optimism going forward. No other Los Angeles anger management therapist offers such targeted therapies, which are designed to provide results within just a few sessions.

Shorter Therapies, Quicker Results

"These Energy Therapies usually require only 3 to 8 sessions and the results are usually permanent," Susan Quinn says. "Each of them provides noticeable relief from trauma, pain and negative emotions by rewiring neural pathways in the brain."

A skilled practitioner of hypnotherapy, medical hypnosis and a Certified Life Coach, Susan Quinn uses the best possible therapy for the individual condition. Controlling anger issues indicates one kind of therapy, self esteem enhancement adds an additional therapy process, and relationship therapy takes a slightly different form.

She employs EMDR therapy in cases involving sexual abuse or when the client has been raised in a non-validating environment which can lead to eating disorders like anorexia or bulimia.

"Over 80% of my clients report positive and lasting changes using these Energy Therapies," Susan Quinn says. "They experience a 60-100% reduction of symptoms in the problem they came in for."

What Lies Beneath

Sometimes, however, Susan Quinn finds that "the apparent problem is not the problem." When the initial complaint is resolved, sometimes a buried issue arises from underneath. "We focus on one specific problem at a time," Susan Quinn says, "and work on it until it's gone."

One significant difference between Susan Quinn and any other Los Angels anger management therapist is that her therapies come with a spiritual overlay.

She can serve as your LIFE COACH or therapist. Some people just need someone to help them design their life and set goals on their own values and desires. When they have set their goals I coach them until they have met them. Unlike therapy, this can be done on the phone.

Susan Quinn understands the importance of the journey.

"Sometimes struggles are exactly what we need in our life," she says. "If God allowed us to go through our life without any obstacles, it would cripple us. We would not be as strong as what we could have been. And we could never fly ... Life teaches us to fly.

  • Want to remove blocks and find your life purpose?
  • Want to explore the Energy Therapies?
  • Want a Life Coach to help you enhance your life?


Over 80% of my clients report positive and lasting changes using Energy Therapies.

They experience a significant reduction of symptoms in the problem they came in for.

These details were last updated on: 14 January 2012
Years in Business 1993
Biography Susan has a Bachelor's degree from the University of Texas and a Master's in clinical Psychology from Pepperdine University.
Association Joined CAMFT,EMDRIA
Personal Experience Susan has been a licensed therapist for over 20 years in the L.A./Beverly Hills area. She has been a life coach for 10 years.
She specializes int the energy therapies which contribute to faster change than therapies which use talk therapies only. Some of these therapies are EMDR ans EFT.
Where to find us 441 S. Beverly Dr. #2, Beverly Hills
California 310-600-3458 United States
How to contact us Tel: 90212
Use the contact form below
Visit our website http://www.susanquinn.net

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