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Aloe Vera
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Very few plants are as well known or as highly thought of as the Aloe vera plant. Aloe is recorded throughout history and is known world-wide. It is a frequent moisturizing ingredient found in numerous cosmetics and hair care products. Most notably, Aloe vera is known to promote the healing of burns and superficial wounds. Topical application of Aloe has been known in treatment of radiation injuries, sunburn, frostbite, some types of dermatitis, psoriasis, cuts, insect stings, ulcerations, abrasions, and other dermatologic problems.

How does Aloe Vera work ?

When one asks, "What makes Aloe Vera work?" the best explanation is simply that Aloe exerts anti fungal and antibacterial effects that promote healing and prevents wound infections. Aloe Vera is basically a cellular regenerator and therefore performs with very positive results in a number of conditions.

It works by healing both external conditions as well as internal problems as it stimulates the synthesis of elastin and collagen in the organism, compensating the aging that comes with time.

Topically, Aloe can help to heal dry and cracked skin, burns, blisters, frostbite, insect bites, and allergic reactions. It is also known to help various skin eruptions, acne, rashes, ulcers, sores, some herpes, athlete's foot and more.

One of the most notable results with the use of Aloe is in the possible healing of urticaria and psoriasis. The major carbohydrate fraction found in Aloe gel is, acemannan, a water-soluble, long chain, mannose polymer that accelerates wound healing, modulates immune function, and demonstrates antiviral effects. Additionally, Aloe gel contains magnesium lactate, which helps prevent itching, bradykininase and salicylic acid, and other antiprostaglandin compounds that relieve inflammation.

Internally, Aloe has had noted healing effects on problems in the mouth, gums and throat. Also it is found to help with stomach disorders, acidity, indigestion, gastritis and ulcers as well as colitis and haemorrhoids, cirrhosis, hepatitis and diabetes. Additionally, it helps to regulate blood pressure, and acts on rheumatism, arthritis, and infections of the kidney, the urinary tract and the prostate. The bottom line is, whether you use Aloe Vera or not, it is beneficial and if used with care, Aloe does reward us with a treasure-trove of benefits.

Please note these products are not to replace medication, you should always consult your doctor.

By John Neville
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