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Results 1 to 16 of 16 | click on company name for more info
NLP for Health - Using your Mind for a Change
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NLP for Health - Using your Mind for a Change image
To really get to the root of issues, we often look to the thoughts that are generating the symptoms. In NLP we understand that our mind is incredibly powerful and can be used to help us or indeed hinder us. NLP for Health provides very powerful and speedy methods to locate and treat the source of issues. The treatment is conversational and clients are fully conscious throughout. Many cl view more >
Dr. Patricia Gadesaud
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Behavioral Health Therapy, Meds, Hypnosis
Counseling Where Change Happens
Professional counseling in a safe and nurturing environment.
Professional counseling in a safe and nurturing environment.
Behavioral Health Therapy, Meds, Hypnosis
Katherine L. Lorensen, CHt, RMT,CPK
Katherine L. Lorensen, CHt, RMT,CPK
Katherine L. Lorensen, CHt, RMT, CPK.
Counseling Where Change Happens
Katherine L. Lorensen, CHt, RMT, CPK.
Becky Hays
Mary Westphal
Leif Roland
Stella Posternak

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