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2020 Ideas for busy Moms
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Tags: Better parenting, time management, Moms and kids, family values, new year resolutions

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It’s a New Year and a New Decade and still we all seem to be so busy, especially our busy Moms!


Let’s start the New Year with less clutter and more energy and have a brighter start to every day.  Looking at ways to start our day with a clean slate can be a refreshing start to a busy day and week.  There are a few things that we, as busy Moms can do to get more out of our days with less stress and more peace in our living.


Be Realistic - https://heartofamum.com/new-years-resolution-ideas-for-busy-moms/ You don’t have to do everything that is on your list.


Stop Comparing - It is really is not worth your valuable time comparing your self to others.  Remember everyone has their struggles, you are not the only person that is being greeted with a busy week.


Surround yourself with positive energy - Freeing yourself from negative influences gives you new freedom.


Accept Imperfections - No one is perfect, everyone has something that they are working on to become better.


Learn to say “No” - Motherhood is constant and sometimes we do not have any room to fit more things in.


Make Meal Plans - This can be both cost effective with time and money.


Get up Before Your Kids - Both patience and positively will increase if you can be ahead of the race from the start of the day.


Start a Journal - Recording your impressions of the day can increase your ability to reflect on the good things that are happening in your life and allow you time to process the negatives parts of living and come to better understand that life is a process of learning.


Make Time for YOU - Allowing you to get a break and do something just for you will charge up your personal battery and help you become a better Mom and you will be happier. https://heartofamum.com/new-years-resolution-ideas-for-busy-moms/



There are other things that you can do to make a difference on your life as a busy Mum.  Please my Blog for more ideas - Happy New Year!   https://heartofamum.com

By Beth Meier
All rights reserved. Any reproducing of this article must have the author name and all the links intact.


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