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3 Super Foods That Can Make a Dramatic Difference in Your Life
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Tags: sun chlorella, acai berry, super foods

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Eat your fruits and vegetables.  Isn't that what you hear all of the time?  Yes, it's good to have a lot of fruits and vegetables in your diet and probably even exclusively, but the produce you buy in the store is just not as nutritious anymore.  Farmers have pretty much depleted the soil of most nutrients through aggressive production and pesticides.  Organic produce solves this problem, but is very expensive.  Then there is the question of whether or not there is enough organic food grown to sustain our population? Below I have identified three super foods that may be the answer we are all looking for.  They pack a lot of nutrients and are considered whole foods, which mean you could literally live off them alone, but work well as supplements.

Super Food #1 - Spirulina
This little green super food is actually a form of algae. What makes spirulina so potent is the high concentration of protein, phytonutrients, and antioxidants from beta carotene.  It is thought that spirulina has anti-cancer and anti-viral abilities because of its strong effect on the immune system.  Spirulina is a complete protein.  Well over half consists of amino acids, which are the building blocks of proteins.  Spirulina provides 12 times the digestible protein found in beef and is a much better source.  Phytonutrients or literally, "nutrients found in plants" are very important for fighting disease.  The phytonutrients help cells repair themselves by stimulating the release of important enzymes that rebuild damaged cells.  Phytonutrients are also important at fighting cancer and other diseases because of the phyto's ability to pick up carcinogens before they have a chance to cause cancer in your cells.

Super Food #2 - Sun Chlorella
Chlorella, another form of algae, has been touted as the perfect whole food.  Besides being a complete protein, it contains all of the B vitamins, vitamin C, vitamin E, as well as all of the major minerals.  It has been found to improve the immune system, improve digestion, detoxify the body, accelerate healing, protect against radiation, aid in the prevention of degenerative diseases and even help you lose weight.  Sun Chlorella also contains an essential fatty acid called GLA that is virtually missing in the American diet.  Chlorella is the richest source of chlorophyll on earth.  There is nothing more detoxifying and cleansing than chlorophyll and if you are on a western diet, with a lot of processed foods, then your body is in desperate need of detoxification.  Chlorophyll also cleans out dangerous heavy metals such as mercury found in dental fillings and some fish.

Super Food #3 - Acai Berry
In truth, researchers have not even had enough time to fully investigate the full range of benefits that the acai berry brings to the table. What is known, however, is that acai berries are very high in antioxidants.

Antioxidants are beneficial to your health because they neutralize "free radicals" that are known to increase risk for a wide range of medical problems including:

1. Heart or kidney disease
2. Weakened immune system
3. Poor eyesight
4. Arthritis problems due to increased inflammation of the joints
5. Accelerated external aging, including weathered or wrinkled skin, age spots
6. Nerve cell damage
7. Even some forms of cancer due to damage to the DNA itself

By Paul Stevens Researcher
All rights reserved. Any reproducing of this article must have the author name and all the links intact.


Biography: Paul Stevens is a health researcher, publisher and author of What are Antioxidants

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3 Super Foods That Can Make a Dramatic Difference in Your Life

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