If your eyes are starting to feel heavy or full of sand as the afternoon wears on, then you’re most likely suffering from low energy levels. When you feel low in energy, it can be easy to have a cup of coffee, energy drink or a bar of chocolate as a quick fix. Whilst they provide you with an immediate pick-me-up, you’ll more than likely feel even more drained once the high wears off.
What you need are more natural, longer lasting ways of keeping your energy up Here are 3 ways to boost your energy in an hour, and leave you feeling revitalised and refreshed.
Have A Drink Of Water
Often when you feel tired and drained, you’re more than likely to be dehydrated. You don’t have to follow the eight glasses a day rule in this context, but by staying hydrated regularly throughout the day, you’re more likely to keep tiredness at bay. Try to have a walk to the tap or water cooler every few hours for a refill. You may find that the 5-minute walk around will perk you up a bit, too.
Let The Sunshine In
Studies show that just a few minutes of walking outside on a warm, clear day is enough to have a positive effect on your mood and memory. You can even boost your self-esteem by being out in the sun. In Britain, we often joke about the lack of sunlight we get, but a vitamin D deficiency can have an adverse effect on your brain and mental health. If you can’t get outside, open the blinds and windows, or for a more long-term effect, add in vitamin D supplements to your daily routine to get the daily health benefits.
Enjoy Some Exercise
Exercise is a natural mood and energy booster. When you exercise, blood filled with oxygen surges through your body to your heart, muscles and brain and releases endorphins, which is a chemical used to fight stress. We often feel more relaxed and at ease after a workout, and even just 10-minutes a day will help you to keep energy levels at a peak. Try and go out for a walk on your lunch hour or head to a dinner-time workout class. If you can, try and move around whenever you can, even if you’re on the phone!
By Z Halliwell MA
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