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There are so many reasons why we may lose our natural teeth. Dentures are a natural and comfortable way to mend those naturally lost teeth. Traditionally dentures were made of simple plastic or porcelain but with modern dentures, you can go for hard resin, and they need to be taken care of otherwise they might crack or break very easily if left uncared for. 

What is a Denture?

Dentures are detachable false teeth that are made using plastic, nylon or metal. When we lose a tooth, the gap may create a lot of problems. Dentures are meant to sit and fit in the gums making it look natural and also removing any problem that the gap may cause. Even the supporting structure for the denture resembles that of a proper gum. 

Types of Denture

There are two types. 

  • Complete - When there is a requirement to remove all upper and lower set of teeth, a complete set up is needed.
  • Partial - When just a tooth or two is extracted, partial set up is done to fill up the missing teeth
  • Many people also go for immediate dentures and overdentures just before or after an oral operation, which also enhances their ability to chew food properly and talk properly.

How is The Fitting Done?

Both for a complete replacement or partial replacement, the tooth is extracted and removed where needed in case of partial replacement and for upper and lower set for complete replacement. They are fitted by taking measurements and they fit neatly in the gums. The procedure is the same for partial or complete replacements just that the number of teeth may vary in each case. However, after the fitting of the complete dentures, the gums and bones do alter and that may cause a need to realign the newly fitted teeth. 

What About the Partial Fixture of the Dentures?

For partial fixture, a plate is used with the number of false teeth attached to it. This plate is either metal or nylon. Metals clasps are used to cling on with the natural tooth and that’s how the partial fixing is set to do. 

How Long is The Wait After Tooth Extraction?

To have a new set of teeth fixed, the standard waiting time is 4 weeks. That way the mouth heals completely. And in the meanwhile, the dentist designs the tooth or teeth as per the measurements. 

Who Needs a Denture?

Dentures are natural support for a tooth loss. Proper oral hygiene can prevent for tooth loss but in case they happen, anyone can have a denture fixed. 

Is it Evident?

Well, depending on how good work of a dentist is to measure and fit the dentures, usually it is really difficult to make out if someone is wearing one. The fit, color, and comfort is so regular and balances to such an edge that it may be apparent that there is some change but difficult to point out if it’s a new fixture. 

When Do I Need a Denture?

There are signs that one may need a denture. 

  • Red swollen gums
  • Wider or loose teeth
  • Already missing teeth
  • Painful teeth
  • Trouble in eating
  • Indigestion

These are the early or the actual signs that a dentist needs to be visited for a denture preferably as the case may be. 

Good dentures offer happy mouths and happy body. For keeping your teeth in proper condition, you should make it a point to go for dentures and yet take care of your teeth daily. You should only consult a veteran dentist in the field who knows the exact problem with your teeth and can suggest you dentures accordingly.

By Zoe Sewell
All rights reserved. Any reproducing of this article must have the author name and all the links intact.


Biography: My name is Zoe Sewell. I am a writer by profession and love to share my written blogs and thoughts about Home Improvement Business Lifestyle and Health that will be informative for readers who loves to gain knowledge.

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