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Anti-Aging Skin Care Regimen When Is The Right Time To Start
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Did they mean skin care products when they invented the phrase “an ounce (oz) of prevention is better than a pound ofcure”. Yesterday was the right time to start your anti-aging skin care regimen!

Aging is an inevitable process. But the signs of aging need not be. Anti-aging skin care should be started well before they start. Treatment of the signs of aging can be an expensive and daunting task. Thus, it is important to understand the primary signs of aging and begin to care for your skin accordingly. Here are some common signs:

Increased Skin Sensitivity
As we age, our skin’s natural moisture retaining cells called ‘ceramides’ begin to deplete. The damage is not very evident during summer because the sebum glands are more active. However, during winter your skin becomes much drier and itchy. This is usually the first sign of aging skin.

Appearance of Crow’s Feet
The skin around the eye contours is very delicate and fragile. And this is why it’s the first to exhibit the signs of aging skin. The skin on the eye areas is only 1/3 as thick as compared to the skin on the rest of the face and also it contains smaller amounts of sweat and sebum. And with age, fine lines begin to appear on the sides of the eyes.

Enlarged Skin Pores
Because of diminishing elastin fibers, the skin loses elasticity and the pores on the sides of the nose and inner cheeks become larger. This gives rise to blackheads!

Dull Skin
As we age, skin metabolism slows down and the body and tends to accumulate toxins. This slows the blood circulation, and as a result, the skin appears duller. Additionally, environmental factors such as pollution, stress and fatigue take their toll on the skin and can make it look dull, dry and lack radiance it once had.

Loose and Saggy Skin on the Neck
The skin on your neck is thinner as compared to the skin on your face. And since it has a lot of stretching and straining activities, it is one of the primary areas to show fine lines. Moreover, because there are fewer blood capillaries on the neck, the skin there becomes loose and saggy as you age.

Prominent Smile Lines
Over-exercising the deep layers of facial muscles is a major cause of smile lines. And when smile lines begin to stay even after you stop smiling, that’s when you know you have to start an anti-aging skin care regimen. Just don’t let it give you frown lines!

Now on to treatments. When you begin to notice the primary signs of aging, then it’s about time you start an anti-aging skin care regimen. And there are a variety of anti-aging skin care products and treatments available that can help. Here are some ingredients you should look for:

Antioxidants help eliminate or neutralize free radicals that destroy normal body tissues and accelerate the aging process. Anti-aging skin care products that contain antioxidants renew the skin cells and rectify the damage caused by free radicals making the skin look younger.

Moisture-Retaining Agents
One of the primary causes of the appearance of aging signs is the skin’s inability to retain moisture within the cells. In order to prevent this, look for moisture-retaining agents like Ceramide, Ursolic Acid, Sodium Hyaluronate or Hyaluronic Acid that lock in moisture.

Collagen Stimulants
Another important ingredient to look for in your anti-aging skin care products is collagen stimulating agents that accelerate the production of collagen and elastin fibers within the skin surface. This alos helps to prevent and control wrinkles and fine lines.

Some Product Suggestions

• iS Clinical Youth Complex: An amazing anti-wrinkle formulation that provides immediate, short term and long term benefits against the signs of aging. It instantly fills the wrinkles and fine lines on the face and with regular use improves the skin quality and accelerates the production of collagen and elastin fibers.
• iS Clinical Super Serum Advance: A unique combination of ingredients that improve the appearance of signs of aging and contain potent antioxidants that protect the skin against further damage by environmental stressors. It also reduces acne scars and acts as a skin lightener that improves skins unevenness and luminosity.

By Marilynn Syrett physician
All rights reserved. Any reproducing of this article must have the author name and all the links intact.


Biography: Dr. Marilynn Syrett is a graduate from Western University of Health Sciences. She has authored several articles about antiaging skin care products.

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