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Ashiatsu (ashi = foot, atsu = pressure) is an adaptation of an ancient Japanese form of barefoot massage.

Bars are fixed overhead and help the therapist with balance and control. The therapist uses her soft, clean feet to apply deep compression massage and long gliding strokes over the back of the client's body. Lotion is applied for lubrication.

Ashiatsu is an effective treatment for suffers of chronic low back pain and neck pain, tight hamstrings or calves and IT band.

Massage is a key ingredient in any complete workout program, massage speeds muscle recovery, increases endurance, and enhances athletic performance.

Ashiatsu is a unique, deep and luxurious massage. Whether you're a weekend warrior, or a marathon runner, a regular massage routine can help you reach and maintain your fitness goals.

This treatment is guaranteed to induce deep relaxation, relieve tight muscles, and stimulate the body's own self-healing capabilities.

Ashiatsu Oriental Bar Therapy (AOBT) is recognized by the American Medical Association and approved by the National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage (NCBTMB).

This treatment is recommended for athletes, people with a larger build or anyone wanting to try something new who enjoys deep massage work. Ashiatsu Oriental Bar Therapy works because the pressure from a massage delivered by feet is deeper, yet less painful than a therapist using an elbow.

Some contraindications for deep compression massage:

  • Alcohol or recreational drug intoxication
  • Breast implants within nine months, pregnancy or suspected pregnancy
  • Recent surgery including eye surgery within six months
  • Heart condition or high blood pressure
  • People on prescription anticoagulants or acute inflammatory condition
  • Stenosis and spondylolisthesis
  • Any contagious condition, including fever, cold or flu

Once you are feeling better this type of massage will greatly help reduce muscle soreness.

By Cindy Wilde, LMT
All rights reserved. Any reproducing of this article must have the author name and all the links intact.


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