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Avoiding Obesity With Healthy Eating, Exercise and Hypnosis
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Tags: healthy eating, obesity hypnosis, avoiding obesity, weight loss hypnosis program

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The latest research figures show that forty million Americans are now classified as being obese. Take, out of the current population figures of there being just over three hundred million citizens in American, that means that almost 15% of all Americans are obese. To make matters worse there are also three million Americans who are morbidly obese. These means that their weight is considered to be an immediate life-threatening health risk. How can we reduce these figures and get America back to being the fit, lean nation it once was?

Well I’m sure you’re familiar with two out of three of my answers, healthy eating and exercise…but hypnosis? How can hypnosis help people avoid obesity? To answer this question we must first look at how healthy eating and exercise reduce obesity.

Healthy eating is easy to explain and understand, but not always as easy to do. We all know that we need to eat a mixture of vegetables, fruit, grain, dairy and lean meats. These foodstuffs are full of nutrients and generally low in calories, and the less calories you intake the easier it is to control your weight. Yet with the array of ever so tempting high calorie, fatty snack treats available seemingly everywhere we turn it can make it very hard to have the will power to stick to a healthy diet.

When you eat you take in calories, and when you exercise you burn them. When you burn more calories than you take in you will lose weight. Again that sounds simple enough in theory, yet it’s a little tougher in practice. In a world of highly advanced entertainment technology it is much more likely a person will spend the evening watching TV rather than going to the gym. In fact it is human nature to preserve energy, going back to caveman days when the food supply was not as plentiful.

This finally brings us to the third “mystery” ingredient of hypnosis. Hypnosis is becoming increasingly respected for its ability to help people lose weight. Even medical science which once mocked hypnosis as nothing more than a placebo has now finally come on board. In 1986 the Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology reported findings in a group of women which showed that those using hypnosis had lost an average of 17 pounds, whilst the control group who were not using hypnosis lost only 0.5 pounds. That is a HUGE difference in results.

Now we know that hypnosis has a positive effect on weight loss, we must look at why. The answer to this is the subconscious mind. It is in this part of the mind that such things as eating habits and exercise motivation are stored. A hypnotherapist can use hypnosis to talk directly to the subconscious, rather than the conscious, and plant suggestions to eat more healthily and to exercise more. These suggestions stick and cause an alteration in the behavior of the person so that they take in less calories and burn off more which, as discussed earlier, result in weight loss.

This is the right kind of weight loss too. You may have tried crash or fad diets in the past where you lost 6lbs a week for a couple of weeks…then immediately put it back on after you had finished the program. This is not the case with weight loss hypnosis. Because you are eating a rich, varied, and above all else healthy, diet you can live on it for the rest of your life. Not just a few weeks. This leads to long term weight loss.

If American were to start implement a weight loss hypnosis program I am sure that those shocking obesity rates would decline rapidly.

By Jake Rhodes
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Avoiding Obesity With Healthy Eating, Exercise and Hypnosis

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