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In my previous article Bee healthy use natures gifts to heal we looked at the general properties of both propolis and honey and how this gift from nature could make a positive contribution to modern healing.

In this article I would like to look at the many common uses for propolis in helping the body fight illness. Propolis offers a natural and safe alternative to many modern remedies. It should be noted that as propolis is created from tree resins by bees that a small number of people who have an allergy to tree resin or bee related products might suffer an allergic reaction when using propolis. As with any treatment capable of causing an allergic reaction the safest way is to test a small amount of the cream or liquid on a separate area of the skin. Apply a small amount to say the skin on the inner arm or wrist and if no allergic reaction occurs then the person is not likely to be allergic to the product. If a reaction is noticed wipe the area clean with water to remove the irritant.

Propolis is a natural product and whilst a lot of research has been carried out all over the world, we are unable to make specific medical claims in the UK, as to its effectiveness against any particular illness or condition. What we will discuss is the many uses that propolis has been put to over the years and how we can use natures gift to assist the body in fighting illness using a one hundred percent natural product that for centuries has been used by natural healers to great effect.

Even modern medicine would not claim a cure for the common cold. Yet our bodies will naturally fight any such infections. Propolis has been shown to assist the bodies natural immune system and either in liquid form, tablet or capsule can be used as a natural, safe and non-toxic supplement that will boost the bodies natural immune system. It has been found helpful in protecting against colds, coughs, ‘flu and many other viruses.

In particular it has been found effective in dealing with specific local problems such as a sore throat. You can either use propolis liquid taken directly on say bread, or use the liquid as a throat gargle. One useful tip if you wish to gargle with propolis is to mix it with honey. This not only makes it taste nicer but also makes a useful mouthwash to help with sore lips or gums.

Propolis can also be applied directly to sore throats using a propolis throat spray.

Ailments linked to cold such as coughs, bronchitis and blocked sinuses may all benefit from either propolis liquid or more effectively propolis taken in tablet or capsule form each day as a food supplement.

Propolis is also a natural remedy that can be used in the treatment of many skin problems. It has been shown to have a beneficial effect in treating eczema and psoriasis. Either apply propolis liquid directly to the affected area or thinly apply propolis cream.

The antiseptic and natural healing properties of both the liquid and the cream make it ideal for treating wounds and burns. Propolis will not only keep the affected area clean but may also assist the body in its natural healing process.

In recent years it has been reported that propolis has been successfully used to treat arthritic disorders. Propolis tablets, which are also suitable for vegetarians, or capsules, are an ideal way of using propolis and its benefits as a daily food supplement.

Over the last two decades a lot of scientific research has been undertaken into the benefits of propolis. Scientists in the UK, America and particularly Russia and Eastern Europe has found propolis has been helpful in helping the body deal with an assortment of illnesses and disorders.

Researchers have found that propolis has been effective in treating hypertension, arteriosclerosis and heart disease.

Propolis has been shown to help white blood cells digest bacteria and other waste products in the blood stream.

In Russia a lot of research has been done into the effects of propolis on the prevention of ulcers and the formation of abscess. Propolis has been found to greatly aid the body in dealing with ulcers in particular by speeding up the healing process.

Research in America, Poland and Russia has shown that propolis has had a beneficial effect on various dermatological disorders including acne, various allergies and even herpes.

Propolis truly is a remarkable gift from nature. It has powerful properties that can help us deal with the daily challenges faced by our bodies from various disease and illness. It may not be the miracle cure that can solve all our problems but it is a safe and natural way of helping our body protect itself against illness and disease, which are increasingly becoming immune to modern day medicines.

By Steve Mann Natural Plus Ltd
All rights reserved. Any reproducing of this article must have the author name and all the links intact.


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