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Can Light & Colour Therapy Heal the Body
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The use of light therapy in medicine has a long history. The first light source used in photo medicine was natural sunlight. In ancient Egypt sunlight was used for medical treatments. Later, Hippocrates described the use of sunlight to cure various medical disorders. Although sunlight therapy had no scientific explanation at that time, the healing power of it was clear, and Roman and Egyption physicians introduced light therapy into general medical use.  
Today it is known that the human organism transforms light into electrochemical energy, which activates a chain of biochemical reactions within cells, stimulating metabolism and reinforcing the immune response of the entire human body.

The Danish physician Niels Ryberg Finsen founded modern light therapy around 100 years ago and was awarded the Nobel Prize for medicine in 1903.for his achievements. He created the first device to generate synthesized sunlight with outstanding results in the treatment of a special type of skin tuberculosis. He discovered that the parameters of intensity and the emitted light spectrum are controllable and therefore reproducible.  Following Finsen's development photo medicine used the infrared and ultraviolet parts of the spectrum.

In the early 1980s, a research team of scientists led by Bio-physicist, Dr Marta Fenyo, developed a light source made up of the multi wave spectrum of visible light plus a portion of infrared based on low-level laser therapy creating VIP Light… Since 1985 Dr Fenyo has treated over 25,000 patients using VIP Light & Colour Therapy with great success and the results have been documented

VIPL or Visible Incoherent Polarised Light Therapy is a medical device with a specific optical unit emitting light rays similar to the electromagnetic spectrum produced naturally by the sun but with no UV radiation.  But can it really heal the body?  The answer can be found in the years of research undertaken by leading hospitals and laboratories worldwide.

Research has revealed certain physical characteristics that are essential for the effectiveness of light therapy. Based on this technology and spanning a ten year period, the Visible Incoherent Polarised Light Therapy System was created. Research involved more than:

- 100 world Patents  
- 500 scientists 
- 5000 Medical Doctors  
- 1000 hospitals/clinics

Trials conducted using VIPL at Guy's Hospital, London determined the effects of the light source on the immune system. The results showed that after 2 consecutive treatments of 4 minutes,  that T-Lymphocytes increased by 50% and Phagocytosis (ingestion of invading organisms) rose by an amazing 300%. During these double blind trials, it was also shown that Leukocytes became Phagocyte cells in 24 hours as opposed to the normal 14 days.  These results led to more research by scientists around the world. 

It is now known that VIP Light Therapy can act in a natural way by supporting the regenerative and rebalancing capacities of the body and therefore help the body release its own healing potential. Once delivered to the tissues, the light energy promotes the process of bio-stimulation (which means stimulation of diverse biological processes in a positive manner and thereby enhancing body functions). The therapy has become accepted as a new form of treatment in prevention, therapy and rehabilitation worldwide. It irradiates the body with constant low energy rays. Research in leading hospitals worldwide has shown that it not only treats the skin but also reaches the underlying tissues, blood and body cells (penetration is approx 2.5cm). The spectrum covered by the light ranges from 480-3400nm (nanometers). This is different from lasers, which have a very narrow wavelength range and are designed for a single purpose (i.e. cauterization; surgery etc). 
VIPL emits a constant low energy allowing the body to be treated for longer periods of time for a vast array of ailments with  greater healing effect.   
VIP Light has biostimulative effects: When applied to the skin, it stimulates light-sensitive intracellular structures and molecules. This initiates cellular chain reactions and triggers so-called secondary responses, which are not only limited to the treated area, but can involve the whole body (photomodulation).

User-friendly and non-pharmaceutical therapy now available for all:

VIP Light technology is a household name in many countries around the world and now it is available in Australia. The lights are available for either individual or clinical use.
It has become widely used and accepted in medicine as a user-friendly, effective, non-pharmacological medical device.  In over 15 years of clinical research worldwide, it has been shown to be supportive in the management of acute and chronic injuries as well as in post-operative wounds. It has been successfully used to treat Bipolar disorder, skin problems and viruses.  During this period there has not been one reported case of any detrimental side effects. At the time of writing there are no known contraindications to treatment with the light, even those wearing pace makers, young children and the eyes have been safely treated. We do suggest checking with your clinician however so that other medical treatment may also be given where needed.
Hippocrates' healing philosophy has begun to re-influence the medical fields: "Primum non nocere" ("First, do no harm") and "Vis Medicatrix Naturae" ("Honour the healing power of nature").

The BIOPTRON Light Therapy System is approved as a medical device according to the Directive ARTG 134417 and 93/42/EEC.

Colour Therapy:  
In the 1990's the scientific team at Bioptron AG added Colour therapy to the VIPL system. The colour has been shown to speed up results and zone in on certain conditions such as skin rashes, acne, calluses, conditions such as low energy, low resistance or lack of concentration. This is due to the different wavelengths omitted by different coloured filters when the tissue is irradiated with light.

VIP Light Therapy can be used both as a complementary treatment to support conventional medical methods and as mono therapy for certain indications with the approval of your clinician such as:

- Wound Healing
– Ulcers, burns, surgical wounds, injuriesRheumatology 
– Joint /muscle pain associated with arthritis sciatica and rheumaticsSkin treatment
-  Acne, rashes, eczema, psoriasis, scars

Immunity to      

-  Viral infections, colds, flu etc
-  SAD  
-  Reversal of Seasonally Affected DisorderPain Relief  
- Reduction of pain ie. Headache, joints etc

As a general indication, results can be seen as follows :
Wound Healing           Twice Daily for 2-3 days
Ulcers                            Twice Daily up to 3 months
Allergies                       Daily for 2-3 days
Pain                                Daily for 2-3 days
Virus Therapy             Twice Daily for 3-5 days
Acne                              Daily for 2-10 weeks

As a general indication, results can be seen as follows :

Wound Healing           Twice Daily for 2-3 days
Ulcers                            Twice Daily up to 3 months
Allergies                       Daily for 2-3 days
Pain                                Daily for 2-3 days
Virus Therapy             Twice Daily for 3-5 days
Acne                              Daily for 2-10 weeks

In the 1990's the scientific team at Bioptron AG added Colour therapy to the VIPL system. The colour has been shown to speed up results and zone in on certain conditions such as skin rashes, acne, calluses, conditions such as low energy, low resistance or lack of concentration. This is due to the different wavelengths omitted by
different coloured filters when the tissue is irradiated with light. 

By Maggi Cameron Dip Massage Therapy; Aromatherapy & Refelxology (London)
All rights reserved. Any reproducing of this article must have the author name and all the links intact.

Maggi Cameron Dip Massage Therapy; Aromatherapy & Refelxology (London)


Biography: Maggi Cameron has been involved in the health and beauty profession for 28 years. She has studied in London, Sydney, Paris and Rome and holds full certification from CIDESCO (Zurich), ITEC (London), AABTh (Sydney), SPCP (USA) and holds Certificate IV (Qld) in workplace training and assessment. She has been an educator and examiner for 20 years
Maggi is co-owner of Bio-B Health Products, which distribute VIP Light Therapy and other selected health products.

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Can Light & Colour Therapy Heal the Body?

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