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Detoxify your body through the feet by ionic Detox foot baths
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Many experts have said that excessive toxicity of the body will create a whole range of serious illnesses, such as joint pain and swelling, cholesterol, heart disease, cancer and diabetes. To prevent such illness you need to be in tune with your body, aware of its condition and its needs, and be committed to giving yourself a good, thorough internal Detox at least once a year. There are many ways of detoxification. Detox foot bath spa treatment is a new way and has been approved being popular and efficient.

Indeed, Ion producing technology has been around for several decades. Many people must have seen or heard something about foot baths. It is very popular for both women and men even teens. An ion is a charge atom or molecule that has gained or lost an electron, thus creating an electromagnetic field capable of neutralizing oppositely-charged particles such as toxins in the human body. The ions produced by the Ionic baths create a gentle vibration which aids in the release of unwanted toxin particles through the pores in the sole of the foot. There are more than 2,000 pores on each foot. The secret to the Ion producing technology's successful use in body detoxification is the production of positive and negative ions in the same treatment.

The process of Ionic Foot Detox Bath is simple. First, you wash your feet with a washcloth and then put them into a large clear container with a plastic liner that is about half-way or more filled with warm water and sea salts. Then, place a wristband on one arm with a magnet on your wrist and put a bamboo belt around your waist which aids in circulation around the intestines. Last, an ionic array is placed in the water. The negative ions will help neutralize the tissue inside the body. The session will last 30 minutes and the water will begin to change color. Generally, the water, particles and odors may change into different colors because of many factors, such as the consumption of the metal inside the array; the sea salt added; substances leaving your body through your feet; dissolved material or toxins already present in the local water supply and even the air surrounding the water. 

The colors, odors and particles don't matter much of an ionic foot bath.

By vivian prof
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