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Eyes like stars: Perfect vision is just a click away
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There certainly isn't the stigma attached to wearing glasses there once was; these days, a pair of glasses can be an essential part of an accessories wardrobe, for both men and women. Just as there are frames to suit every type of face shape, there are also designs well, designed for every type of activity, and some of us have a whole collection – for work, weekends, special occasions...

However, not everybody likes looking in the mirror to see the windows to their soul surrounded by a frame of moulded plastic or steel – they prefer the 'au naturel' appearance. Think Hollywood actress on the red carpet anywhere in world, no matter how cold the temperature, showing off a sleeveless, backless, occasionally frontless couture garment, with only a few sparkling diamonds and a lot of teeth as accessories; there's just no way they'd be seen dead in even the most expensive pair of designer specs, any more than they'd wear a Puffa jacket and thick boots.

Happily, there are alternatives. Contact lenses, whilst having a history dating back centuries, first became commercially popular in the 1960s, and their discreetness is popular with lots of people. Contact lenses are great – as long as you don't mind the expense, the risk of infection, all the accoutrements of cases and cloths and fluids and the small matter of poking your finger into your eyes every morning and evening. But they restore a person's face to the way nature intended, and alleviate you from turning the house upside down for an hour before finding your glasses have quietly been sitting on top of your head all the while.

The growing popularity of laser eye surgery, then, isn't that much of a mystery and it explains the many dedicated surgery centres springing up all over the UK. Choosing to go under the laser makes increasing sense to almost 150,000 people a year, with a short operation lasting only minutes, a fast recovery time, and long-lasting results. But, as with any kind of surgical intervention, it's important to do the research. And there's a mine of information out there. So where to start?

A good idea would be to search for best laser eye surgery online or visit Eyesurgerycompare, a website which not only provides a comparison of prices in your area but which also gives you the low-down on every conceivable aspect of what's involved with every stage of the process, from how to choose whether to go under the laser in the first place to what kind of chair you will find in the theatre.

Aside from being one of the safest types of elective operations in the world, laser eye surgery is one kind of procedure even Hollywood starlets don't mind admitting they've had.

Visit site to learn more.

By Monica Martinez
All rights reserved. Any reproducing of this article must have the author name and all the links intact.


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