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Facts about Xenical Orlistat a weight loss treatment
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About Orlistat

Orlistat is a medicine that is advised or weight loss. However, it is no ‘wonder-drug’; it works best when combined with lifestyle changes like a healthy diet and regular exercise. Orlistat is primarily prescribed to people who are either obese or overweight with other underlying health problems like high blood pressure, diabetes, or high cholesterol.

Available for oral administration, this lipase inhibitor helps in obesity management by inhibiting the absorption of dietary fats from ingested food. . Each capsule contains 120 mg of the active ingredient, orlistat. In addition, the capsules also contain the inactive ingredients like microcrystalline cellulose, sodium starch glycol ate, sodium lauryl sulfate, povidone, talc, gelatin, titanium dioxide, and FD&C Blue No.1 and FD&C Blue No.1 Aluminum Lake.

Orlistat, a lipase inhibitor, works in the intestines to block absorption of dietary fat into the bloodstream, thereby reducing the number of calories got from a single meal. The undigested fat is shed via the bowel movements. At the usual dose of 120mg, Xenical is known to cut fat absorption by almost one-third. Therefore, when this treatment is combined with a low-calorie diet, it generally promotes weight loss and discourages weight regain.

How does Orlistat work to help you lose weight?

Orlistat blocks the enzymes in the gut that help with fat digestion; almost one-third of the fat in the food is left undigested. This undigested fat cannot be absorbed by the body, and as a result passes out as faeces.

Studies have revealed that, on average, Orlistat when combined with a weight-reducing diet and exercise regimen, it can cause enhanced weight loss, in fact, much more than diet and exercise alone. It has been noted that some people even lose up to 10% or more of their body weight within six months. However, in others, it may be less effective.

In addition, Orlistat may not work in people, who think that they can relax their weight loss diet; Orlistat cannot ‘do it all’. As Orlistat prevents only some of the fat that you eat from being absorbed into the blood stream, you need to adhere to a healthy weight-reducing diet and increased exercise, so that you lose weight consistently.

Weight loss begins within 2 weeks and continues for 6 to 12 months. Since, the effect of using Xenical is not known beyond 2 years, it is not recommended for use beyond that period.

Dosages of Orlistat

The recommended dose of Xenical is one 120mg capsule. It must be taken three times a day with each main meal that contains fat. It can either be taken during the meal or up to 1 hour after the meal. Doses higher than 120mg have not been shown to provide any additional benefit.

Moreover, it is important that the patient be on a nutritionally balanced, reduced-calorie diet. In fact, the person’s daily requirement of fat, carbohydrate, and protein should be equally distributed over the three main meals of the day. However, if a meal is occasionally missed or the meal contains no fat, then the Xenical can be conveniently omitted.

In addition, Xenical is known to reduce the absorption of some fat-soluble vitamins like Vitamins A, D, E & K as well as beta-carotene. Patients must be advised to take multivitamins containing fat-soluble vitamins to ensure adequate nutrition. The supplement must either be taken 2 hours before or after taking Xenical.

Based on fecal fat study, it has been learnt that the Xenical effect is seen within 24 to 48 hours post dosing. Upon discontinuation of Xenical treatment, fecal fat content generally returns to its previous levels within 48 to 72 hours.

Orlistat Xenical

Xenical is a prescription drug and must therefore be taken according to the recommendation of the doctor. Although a safe drug, it is essential that you follow your doctor’s directions at all times and keep all medical appointments while using Xenical weight loss pills. Xenical is not suitable for children except where recommended by a doctor. Safety and efficacy of this drug in children has not been established. In addition, Xenical is not recommended for use in pregnant women, or in women who plan on becoming pregnant, or even in breast-feeding mothers.

It is equally essential that your doctor knows about your medical history or conditions like anorexia nervosa, glaucoma, high blood pressure, arrhythmias, a stroke, gallstones, coronary artery disease, congestive heart failure, thyroid disease, seizures, or liver, kidney, or heart disease, or a consistent problem in absorbing food. Never share this weight loss drug with anyone else.

By Rozane MS
All rights reserved. Any reproducing of this article must have the author name and all the links intact.


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