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Fibromyalgia: A Message To You
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From what I have learned from my experience over the years is that energetically, I believe that those who suffer this, as still "holding" pain, which over time, has manifested in fibromyalgia. To discover and release emotional or physical trauma is still stored in the tissues is important.

In my training as an energyworker, we believe that when we are experiencing pain or disease, it is a message from our bodies. You see, when life changes are left ignored for years, Spirit can then filter down to the physical body, because then you can't ignore the messages. Perhaps the last resort of your spiritual body's (your Higher Self) request for change, or for you to look deeper at certain issues and patterns of living, patterns of thought, etc. It wants to heal, to move you forward, make changes, and this may be it's way of telling you so.

Fibromyalgia is trying to tell you to nurture yourself. To stop letting your energy drain from you to others, or to some other situation. To give to yourself and not keep giving yourself away. Whether that be to a person, job or negative way of being or thinking. To let go of past wounds, or to look at them if you have not, so that they can be brought to the surfaced, healed cleared and let go. Because whether you realize it or not, your cellular body, the cells within your physical body are carrying your memories too. If these wounds are not cleared from them, the negative emotions create disease and syndromes, like Fibromyalgia.

The first thing to understand is that Fibromyalgia is not just a physical problem, it is a mental and emotional one as well. In my practice, I have always said Fibromyalgia, and it's usual partners, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Depression and Panic/Anxiety Disorder is a many headed Hydra. There are usually several componants that came together at one time to trigger this syndrome. This is why bodywork and therapy is going to be a critical part of the healing process for the person with Fibromyalgia.

"From what I have learned from my experience over the years is that energetically, I believe that those who suffer this, as still "holding" pain, which over time, has manifested in fibromyalgia. So to release emotional or physical trauma still stored in the tissues is important

When we are experiencing pain or disease, it is a message from our bodies. You see, when life changes are left ignored for years, Spirit will then put them within the physical body, because it is known that you CANNOT ignore those messages. So consider it the final straw, the last resort of your spiritual body's (your Higher Self) request for change, or for you to look deeper at certain issues and patterns of living, patterns of thought, etc. It wants to heal, to move you forward, make changes, and this is it's way of telling you so. It is saying "Now you HAVE to listen to me!"

Most Fibromyalgia sufferers are caretakers, givers in life. The people who won't, or can't, say "no". Those who have not yet discovered the lesson of "Healthy Selfishness". The message, as my guide Alonya has said; " that if you have not filled your own cup, and it becomes empty, no one can drink from it, not even yourself. And what may be left within it, is not as powerful as what could be contained within, if it was full.".

By Eileen Smith RMT, ABMP, ATP® Reiki Master Teacher,
All rights reserved. Any reproducing of this article must have the author name and all the links intact.

Eileen Smith RMT, ABMP, ATP® Reiki Master Teacher,


Biography: Eileen is the founder of The Path of the White Rose™ and the White Rose Ascension Healing Systems™. Eileen is an author,teacher, intuitive healer, public speaker, artist and channeler. She is also a 8th generation Usui Reiki Master Teacher with Advanced Level expertise.

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