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Get That Feel Good Factor!
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Tags: admit something is wrong, avoid negative thinking, improve your personal development, self awareness, get that feel good factor, the art of positive thinking

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Get that Feel Good Factor! - Boy we could all do with it! Some say that merely getting out in the sunshine can boost our 'happy' zones and make us feel good about ourselves. However, there isn't always enough sunshine available for everyone!

Here are some tips I want to share with you to help you keep at bay those negative feelings and down moments that hit us all in life.

Feeling Good

It is important in life for us to feel happy with ourselves and satisfied with our life. It isn't always possible, however, so we have to do all we can to enjoy what life throws at us.

Admit something is wrong

We often don't admit when something is wrong because we might feel ashamed or inadequate. If you manage to nip things in the bud early on, you can prevent far worse conditions setting in.

We often, at times, think, feel and behave out of sorts when we are not on top form, which affects our daily life, relationships and physical health.

Some people find that they can deal with their problem on their own, while others prefer to get help from friends or professionals.

Avoid Negative Thinking

Think positive! Think confident! Don't let things or people get you down. Negative feelings can eat into us and drag us down, affecting your personality, your career progression, your health.

Personal Development

Keep active, staying self aware and engage in a program of personal development.

Exercise is an essential part of a healthy lifestyle - but make sure it is something that you enjoy doing! Keeping active can help you maintain overall physical fitness, it can also lower the risk of many life-threatening conditions and improve mental and emotional health. The chemicals and hormones that are released in the brain through exercise can help deal with stress and promote happiness. Exercise stimulates a chemical in your brain called serotonin which makes you feel happier and less stressed. Regular exercise can even help with the treatment of depression and anxiety. Incorporating exercise into your lifestyle will also help you sleep better and feel refreshed to tackle the day ahead.

Try to identify the root cause of your negativity. Self-awareness can be developed from learning the arts of meditation, visualisation, alongside a good dose of honest self appraisal.

Personal development is a great way to increase levels of self esteem, improve self confidence and enhance skills and abilities. You can do this by setting goals for improving your life and attitude to life by thinking positive and taking action. Be realistic and motivated.

By Christina Fields
All rights reserved. Any reproducing of this article must have the author name and all the links intact.


Biography: Christina Fields is the creator of the Power Charm Formula and provides all readers with the secrets of The Art of Positive Thinking.

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