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Healthy Relationships: Do You Know the Signs that Your Partner Has a Drug Problem
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When the person you love is struggling with a drug addiction, that secret can come between you without you even knowing it. Drug addicts are skilled masters of deception, even to themselves and their partners. You may think you know someone, but he or she could be leading a double life, struggling with a serious addiction.

If your intuition is telling you that your spouse is keeping a secret from you, chances are pretty good there is some truth behind that feeling. Addiction is a treatable disease, and with the right help, your partner can get back on track to a healthy life. For more information on treatment, visit https://delphihealthgroup.com/treatments/residential-treatment/. Here are a few signs that your partner may be hiding a secret addiction. 

Visible Signs
Depending on the substance your partner is using, there may be plenty of physical indications of drug use. These may be less obvious to a person’s partner who sees the individual every day and more obvious to outsiders looking in. If you feel there may be physical signs that your partner is using, try asking someone you trust to tell you honestly. This guide from Indian Health Services offers an in-depth look at some physical indicators of drug use.

Here are a few physical signs of drug addiction:
— Unexplained weight loss or weight gain
— Unusual sleep habits
— Extreme fatigue
— Skin changes
— Neglected hygiene

Suspicious Behavior
If your partner is secretly addicted, you will more than likely get the feeling that your partner is hiding something from you. He or she will go to extra lengths to make sure you can’t see their phone when they are sending text messages. When they take a call, they will go to another room for privacy or speak in a hushed voice or vague language. They may also spend an extra long time in the bathroom. 

Relationship Problems
If your partner is struggling with a drug or alcohol addiction, your relationship will begin to suffer. Drug addicts tend to push away family and friends because those relationships are too difficult to maintain. If you notice your partner spending a lot of time texting someone you don’t know, the first instinct is to think they could be having an affair, but there is a very real possibility that the person they are messaging is a dealer. Addicts have to invest a great deal of time and energy into finding their substance of choice. If you notice your partner meeting a friend at odd hours for brief encounters, he or she may be meeting a connection to purchase drugs. 

By Alice Thomas MBBS, Prof
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Healthy Relationships: Do You Know the Signs that Your Partner Has a Drug Problem?

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