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How Aging Plays a Negative Impact on Sexual Life
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Growing older is a fact of life, and it can also have a negative impact on a man's sexual life. It may be harder to sustain an erection, or take longer to become aroused. Erections may be smaller than they used to be, and ejaculations often weaken. Some men even find that they need longer sessions of foreplay, similarly to women. While there is no cure for growing older, it does not have to mean that a man's sex life is over. To keep having a healthy sex life long into your golden years, you first have to understand the negative impact aging can have on your sex life.

Sex and Aging for Men: Main Changes

 All men will experience some type of changes in their bodies as they grow older, and there are a few main changes that most men can expect to experience at least once in their lives.

Decreased Testosterone

 This is something that all men will experience as they grow older. The body naturally begins to produce less testosterone when men reach their thirties. As they continue to age, the hormone levels can continue to decrease, which causes a loss of interest in sexual intercourse. While some men believe that this is an inevitable part of the aging process, research is showing that men can help to increase their testosterone levels with a healthy diet and certain vitamin and mineral supplements.

 One thing all men should remember is that if they begin to experience some of the signs of low testosterone, they should consult a health care professional. Not only will testosterone begin to decrease as men grow older, but it could also be a symptom of a more serious medical condition.

Male Sexual Health: Cardiovascular Disease and High Blood Pressure

 Many cases of cardiovascular disease and high blood pressure in older men can be prevented or treated with diet and exercise, but if these conditions are left untreated it can have a negative effect on a man's health and his sexual life. While it is almost unheard of for sexual intercourse to cause a heart attack, having either high blood pressure or a cardiovascular disease can put men at a higher risk of having one. Not only are these life threatening conditions that can worsen as you grow older, they can also have a negative impact on your sex life.

 Men can find it difficult to sustain an erection, or even have the stamina for sexual intercourse. Shortness of breath and chest pains can all cause libidos to dramatically decrease. Other problems can include loss of blood flow to the penis, and lower testosterone levels which are responsible for a man's sex drive. Since these are potentially life threatening health conditions, a health care professional should be immediately contacted if you believe that you have one of these health problems.


 This is a condition that cannot always be prevented, but it can be easily managed to prevent any negative impacts on your sex life. As men grow older, some of them can be at a higher risk of developing diabetes which is not only life threatening it can cause a decrease in libido and is often reported as the reason some older men are suffering from an erectile dysfunction.


 While this may seem funny to younger men, they should realize that they are at risk of developing issues with urinary incontinence as well. This potentially embarrassing problem effects both men and women during the aging process. In the majority of all cases men can easily correct the problem by working on strengthening their pelvic muscles, and the best way is to do daily kegel exercises. Not only can these exercises help women, but they can also help treat problems with incontinence in older men.

Prostrate Surgery

 This will not effect all men as they age, but prostrate surgery can have a negative impact on your sex life. Not only can hormonal levels be disrupted, but it is also common to have problems getting and sustaining an erection. In cases where men experience pain during intercourse or ejaculation a health care professional should be immediately consulted.


 While there is no denying that aging can have a negative impact on a man's sex life, it does not have to mean that it is over. A healthy diet and lifestyle can go a long ways to ensuring that men are able to enjoy sex during their entire life span.

By Cheryl Powers Phd
All rights reserved. Any reproducing of this article must have the author name and all the links intact.


Biography: I have written various health articles and press releases from past 8 years. My every piece of contents are well researched. I have also submitted my research work in the University of Atlanta about most common problems related to male sexual health such as ED Premature Ejaculation Loss of Low Libido etc.

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How Aging Plays a Negative Impact on Sexual Life?

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