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I and Me are different realities
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Tags: being me, mirror to the soul, self assessment

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Is there a difference between the Me and the I? Are they one and the same? Are they both just you? There is much written and discussed, in philosophical, enlightenment and spiritual circles, of the I (of I am fame). Much has been devoted to discovering the I. Whole philosophies have been centred on the I.

Important questions? - Important only to the I.

Me is naturally assumed to be the I.

Please do this quick exercise.

Now point to where you physically felt that ‘I’, where that I belongs, resides or is.

Now point to where physically you felt that ‘Me’, where that Me belongs, resides or is.

The I is in the head.

What if you say “I am Me”?

In fact they are very, very different.

Does your ‘I’ have beliefs, thoughts, wants, actions etc, does it feel outward looking?

Whilst sitting in your ‘Me-ness’ is there an absence of everything except the internal state of being?

Have you ever thought “I am not me/myself” or “I haven’t got me/myself” or felt separate from your ‘Me’.

Being ‘Me’ is the starting point. The beginning of all your journeys, of all your creations, of all your realities, of all your beliefs, of all your results, of all that you have, of all that you are. Turmoil, conflict, illness, low self esteem, low self determination and lack of power and control arise when we have forgotten or relinquished Being me.

The me is the reflection of our soul or who we really are and the me is a mirror to the soul in one direction and its purpose is to be a mirror (in the other direction) for our ego (the I). The closer the ego is to the me’s reflection, the more the person feels whole and complete. The me is like a blueprint for our life, the trouble is, is that the ego is outwardly focused and moves away from the Me’s reflection, which leads to fragmentation and a less fulfilled life. If you discover and reflect on your Me, then you will discover the magnificence that is there. Are you afraid of this magnificence? Have you been taught to trade it for acceptance etc in your childhood? And does it feel like there is only a tiny spark left, that you hide away?

When I is in harmony with and has Me as its foundation then a wonderful life ensues. This is how your life is naturally designed to be. Once again looking at the world as a single person, has this person forgotten the Me? Does this person know where to look for its Me-ness? Does the I think that a blade of grass is insignificant?

By Philip Martin
All rights reserved. Any reproducing of this article must have the author name and all the links intact.

Philip Martin


Biography: Philip Martin is a Naturopath Hypnotherapist and Author of “Life Patterns the Secret to Emotional Freedom” and “The 5 Step Cancer Healing Process a clear and defined pathway”. He is based on the Sunshine Coast Qld. Australia.

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