What is Lifechanges through Emotional Clearance?
Lifechanges through Emotional Clearance is a simple process introduced by Anne Pether and Katharine Walmsley. It frees us of the emotional challenges and blocks which unsettle and bar us all from achievement in some of the most important aspects of our lives. Emotional clearance work can be processed easily. It uses conscious communication, visualisation and realisation to help unlock our issues, recognise their basis, deal with them, and move beyond them effortlessly.
When we use the words “blocks”. many of us hold a vision of a massive invisible yet soild, dense feature that stands between us and everything we aspire to, at our deepest level. In fact, blocks can take many forms. Some bar us from monetary gain. Some bar us from family harmony, friendships or marital bliss. Blocks can manifest in any part of our being. At their core lies a fear which prevents the 'right' thing from happening. Whether we are conscious of our blocks or not, they can exert a tight negative power in our lives. We all have them and unless they are dealt with, they can go from being an irritation or personal foible, to a real inhibition to our quality of life. Blocks prevent progress in personal development areas such as careers, relationships and our ability to be self confident.
Emotional Clearance is considered to be a life changing experience by those who have experienced its benefits. The work is appropriate to anyone who needs it, regardless of age or sex. From increasing a teenager's ability to perform in exams to helping a career move forward. From learning to assert oneself successfully to feeling confident enough to establish boundaries, build good relationships and achieve goals in finance and health issues. Childhood bullying, for example, can draw a victim to a domineering relatiohship. Equally, a bully can project that same role on reaching adulthood. In all these instance, Emotional Clearance can bring about lifechanges. One last area, that is a trap for many is addiction - people immediately think of alcoholism or drugs if we talk of addictions; however, addictions can be far more widespread reaching out to obsessions with sexual activities, gambling, shopping, food, money or fitness.
The benefits of Emotinal Clearance is unique to each person. Unlike some forms of therapy, it does not require an endless series of sessions. Yet the the more processing through Emotional Clearance of challenging feelings, the greater is the ability to handle all aspects of one’s life. Each process brings about clearance of the issue involved. Just one session can make all the difference between frustration and achievement.
Lifechanges through Emotional Clearance was brought about specifically as a workshop process by accredited practitioners Anne Pether and Katharine Walmsley. They are bothAccredited Journey Practitioners and EFT Practitioners. Anne is a qualified Emoenergytherapist.
By Katharine O'Sullivan-Walmsley A professional journalist and writer
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