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Losing weight = A change of perspective
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Tags: how can I lose weight?, losing weight for life, Developing healthy habits, I want to lose 30 pounds, I want to lose weight for life

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Recently, I read a post on a friend's blog about her need and desire to "Get Physical". Long story short she wants to loose weight. For paragraphs she complained about not having any motivation, being depressed that she is the same weight as she was when she was 8 months pregnant, her child is now four and how she just feel gross and generally unhappy with herself.

The post began with a list of things she has like a gym membership, workout DVD's and fitness equipment and she posed the question, "Do I use them?.......never!" This poor woman is desperate to be healthy but doesn't know how to make it happen. If you can relate to this situation then listen to what I have to say.

In order to become motivated you have to change your perspective and take charge of your situation. The first step to success is rid yourself of the habit of comparing. Comparing yourself to another person will only feed your depression and lack of motivation. Focus on YOU and only YOU.

Now, alter your perspective. Don't loose weight because you look ugly and over weight loose weight so you can be healthy, so you can avoid disease and  health conditions that take lives. We are such a vain society, so focused on looking an appearing a certain way regardless of what is happing inside our body. By shifting your focus to health you will have a greater chance of sustaining the lifestyle changes.

Turn up for yourself. If you set a goal KEEP IT! It may seem hard but really 20 minutes of exercise is such a tiny speck of your day or replacing soda with a glass of water is not going to kill you, no quite the opposite it will save you.

The truth is if you want to loose weight but are not using the tools like a gym pass, gym equipment etc... you don't really want to loose weight. Loosing weight is not initially easy. You have to be consistent and determined. But just because loosing weight might be a challenge doesn't mean it cannot be done.

In response to my friends blog post I suggest she stop looking to others for motivation and start challenging her own capabilities. If she can recognize that she has begun a dangerous slide down a spiral slide of unhealthy choices she will be able to see where she might be in 10 years. If she can start changing her habits now in 10 years she will be healthy with tons of life instead of being obese or having type two diabetes.

Change your perspective so you can enjoy optimal health.


By WorldwideHealth .com
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