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Pharma and Medical Packaging Development in 2019
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As medicine help to save human life, that is why efficient pharma or drug packaging is necessary to keep medicine safe from all chemical and mechanical accidents. Good packaging gives intelligent information about the product, working, dosage, side effects, time limit, and precautions. In this way, it plays a key role in active communication between patient and doctor.

In today’s century, smart packaging is the aim and goal of every pharma packaging company. It is an integral part of pharmaceutical products. With the increasing need for drugs, the packaging is becoming convenient and handy. It is a wide marketing business not only include the packaging but the distribution of product to the customers all over the world.

Pharma and Medical Packaging Development in 2019:

Pharma and medical packaging companies are growing with time. To meet the high demands of increasing population companies are trying to do their best and making improvements every day. Efficient and resistible packaging is required to meet the needs of the world. Certified and experienced pharmacists carry this task as well as bring innovation in this field. It took years to reach the stage where they are standing right now.

Plans and actions change according to the condition and availability of resources in nature. The scientist plans future according to given circumstances. In the same way, pharmaceuticals companies made a plan and give us an idea of what we can expect in 2019.

·         Increase adherence:

Worldwide, more than 2 million and 200,000 people die in just European Union every year due to lack of adherence of patient to medical advice and medicines. This poor patient adherence has been reported extensively in the past few years, but it did not improve from over 30 years. To overcome this situation, pharma packaging companies are coming with coping strategies in 2019.

Like technology, smart packaging will also provide the details of intake and usage as well as follow the medical routine of the patient. In this way, health care professions can get valuable feedback on the patient’s medical routine pattern. This will improve the behavior of the patient towards his medication. Standardized information will be mentioned on the blister pack, which will tell the patient which medicine he or she already took.

In some cases, finance can also be the reason for non-adherence. This problem can overcome by producing easy and available medicine in low-cost packaging.

·         Coping counterfeiting:

According to WHO, 30% of available medicines reported as fake? In the world of the global market, pharmaceutical companies are most likely to be attacked by the fraud market. If the people die by taking fake medicine of a specific company or brand, then it will affect the reputation of that company. People will only remember the name of that brand at the end of the day. The consumption of fake products cannot guarantee the outcomes of it.

In some cases, it worse the condition and spread the illness more. To tackle this situation, pharma companies come up with the idea of digital mass serialization as a compulsory process of every functional pharmaceutical company. This also includes random pseudo codes that will be provided to every product which will be checked by both seller and buyer company before going to the market.

To strengthen the security of the product, digital watermarks will also be provided to the product, which will be a specific and unique code of every product and works as an invisible layer, which will only be decoded by unique software. These watermarks can only detect by a computer, scanner or mobile phone but will be invisible to naked eye. It will ensure the safety and security of each product and will save pharma from plagiarism.

·         Biologic resonance:

Biologics are the future of pharma and medicine. Unlike traditional medicines, these are complex and are not chemically synthesized. That is why it cannot be produced in large mass but are made in small batches. Drugs and medicines are temperature sensitive and vulnerable to any chemical or physical contamination. Pharma and medical packaging companies are taking a step in making product safe and protect from any impurity and degradation.

Glass bottles, plastics, and rubber packaging are most likely to react with biologic protein structure of the drug and can cause contamination. That is why they are not suitable material for packaging. Instead of these, fluoropolymers and olefin plastics will be used, and we will see greater use of this material in 2019. These formulas provide a protective barrier between the drug and the environment as it does not use any degradable stabilizing agents.

·         Eco-friendly:

Excess use and wastage of plastic is a big problem across the world these days. This is the time where scientists are worried about the future of the earth. Packaging is the key to any product. It affects the sale and purchase of a product. Pharma and medical packaging companies take the initiative to make packaging nature-friendly. As sociologist predicted that if the current situation persists, then there will be more plastic in water bodies than fishes by 2050.

Therefore, it would be a major interest in 2019 by all pharma and medical packaging companies. The pharmaceuticals companies are moving for more sustainable and degradable plastic material for packaging. The recycling of polyethylene terephthalate (PET) will minimize plastic waste.

·         Child-friendly packaging:

By increasing the security of drugs, we can save children from unauthorized medicines. Pharma packaging are taking care of the safety of children by making more child-friendly packaging. It will not only save children from unwanted accessibility of medicines that can cause accidents, but also pleasant packaging will appeal to children. Children are known best to show the resistance of drugs so that pharma packaging companies are coming with ideas in 2019. They are achieving F4 to F1 while F8 will be less unacceptable.

·         Packaging trends:

With sterile and sustainable packaging, pleasing and attractive designs are also coming in trend in 2019. We can expect colorful and gratifying patterns and trend from pharma and medical packaging company in the coming year. It will be useful with children and will help health care professionals (dentists) to tackle with resisting behavior of patients. Good packaging can increase the sale of the company in the market.


Many functional and efficient pharma packaging companies are in competition and always try to give their best by new and innovative ideas, so we are looking forward to coming trends of packaging in pharma and medical field.

By Max Leed Masters
All rights reserved. Any reproducing of this article must have the author name and all the links intact.


Biography: Marketing jobs are not easy nowadays due to immense competition and ever-changing trends Max Leed made a lot of efforts and hard work in order to achieve bragging success in the field of marketing and now he becomes the best marketer as well as the manager in his company. He wins many prizes and awards for the success of his projects. He is the very cool minded person and his qualities help him a lot to win the confidence of his customers. His customers always come back to repurchase just because of his polite behavior. Basically marketing requires an analytical approach creativity smart skills product quality and public relationship at the same time. Max works hard day and night and polishes all his skills with practice. On the other hand he also publishes his own marketing book in which he discusses his marketing success stories in detail. He is the well-qualified person he completed his Master's degree from the University of California and his major subject was marketing. After the completion of his master's degree he starts his professional career working with Dell brand where he practically learned a lot about practice marketing. The first challenge for him was the relation management as it is not easy for everyone to maintain healthy relations with so many customers. Max Leed always manages relations with customers in well organized and healthy way. He always focuses to implement six sigma strategies for marketing his products to enhance the output. Results are always important for Max so he always focuses to achieve his goals at any cost. On the other hand he is also a creative mind person so he always tries to implement new marketing techniques. He is not only successful in his professional life but also a good swimmer and squash player and spend most of his free time in the sports club. Recently he started some new marketing projects in a company TheCustomBoxes working in the UK.

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