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Preventing Cancer Today
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As you get older, you start realizing the importance of staying fit and healthy. Start with positive emotions, because they are a simple method to keep us healthy. A healthy diet is more than the food we eat. It is everything that nourishes us physically, mentally or spiritually. Even picturing images of being nurtured or loved by someone strengthens the immune system.

Do you want more energy so you can work non stop without getting tired? Strike a healthy balance between activity and rest. Remember throughout the day to plan little breaks and relax, relax, relax.

Sweat It Out!
Sweat is one way the body cleanses itself. Impurities like alcohol and nicotine along with excess sodium can be eliminated through perspiration. You can sweat some other harmful heavy metals that can cause serious health problems if allowed to accumulate in the body. Exercise, warm baths or piles of blankets will help you to sweat.

Exercise Duration

You need to perform at lease 30 minutes of moderate intensity activities 5 to 6 days a week. You will increase cardiovascular endurance, overall  endurance, general organ strength, muscle strength, flexibility, raise your metabolism, reduce body fat and lower risk factors for hypertension, adult onset diabetes, heart disease and  osteoporosis. Of course, you must have a healthy diet to gain these benefits.

Choose an exercise routine that will raise your heart rate to your target zone. Stay in your target zone for 20 minutes. Your cool down should last for 5 minutes. You will burn body fat, lower your cholesterol, blood pressure and risk factors for degenerative diseases. Keep your heart rate at 50 to 60% of your target zone at first, increasing the intensity of your work-out as your fitness level improves.

Exercise intensity is determined by your fitness level. Light intensity activities are slow walking, easy cycling, gardening and most household activities which raise the heart rate 50 to 60% of your maximum heart rate.

Moderate activities are fast walking, jogging, past paced cycling, competitive swimming and aerobic dancing which raise the heart rate 60% to 70% of your maximum heart rate. High intensity activities are weight lifting, sprinting and mountain climbing which raise the heart rate to 70% to 80% of your maximum heart rate.


Do you own a cat? What is the first thing your cat does when it gets up after a nap. It yawns, and it stretches every limb in turn. So, set your alarm for five minutes earlier than you normally get up. Lie in bed. Breathe deeply. Pause. Turn into a cat: stretch your legs and your arms in turn, as far as they will go without hurting yourself. Yawn. You'll start your day much more relaxed.

Drink Water When You Exercise
Drinking water during exercise reduces cardiovascular stress and improves performance. After a strenuous workout, you have to replace the fluids you have lost. Otherwise, you will suffer chronic dehydration. Drink water before, during and after exercising, and remember that water reduces body temperature thus making the whole exercise process safer.

The Wonders of Water

Boosting your intake of water makes good sense, because water eases digestion and regulates body temperature. Water also bathes the cells and accounts for about 60 percent of body weight. And it can help you exercise longer and more efficiently. Drinking water can ward off constipation and maybe even crankiness. And since it's a natural appetite suppressant, water can help us lose weight and keep it off. It can also help keep skin healthy. To learn more about the way to stay healthy, read Cancer Free For Life.

Water quenches your thirst, aids your digestion, cools your body during exercise, flushes out impurities, prevents constipation, carries nutrients to cells, reduces risk of kidney stones, lubricates joints and promotes good skin tone. Get into the habit by starting with a glass of water in the morning, then work in a glass or two between meals. Wow! Drink a glass of water right now!

By Laurence Magne Dr
All rights reserved. Any reproducing of this article must have the author name and all the links intact.


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