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Promoting A Healthy Body by Detoxing and Cell Cleansing
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FEBRUARY 12, 2008- Ionic Foot (Spa) Detoxify Leaves Unwanted Toxins Behind We are pleased to introduce our Top of the Line New Ionic Foot Detoxify. Whatever time is convenient for you let me know and we can set up further discuss the possibilities.
Pull Toxins out of your feet with the affordable Ionic Foot Detoxify and Cell Cleanser

Digital Unit with Wrist Impulse, Array & Massager

Promoting A Healthy Body by Detoxing and Cell Cleansing

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Ionic Foot (Spa) Detoxify Leaves Unwanted Toxins Behind Los Angeles, Ca., February 13, 2008- Ionic Foot Detoxify and Health Products  is promoting preventative Health and Restoration ofthe body back to its natural state using electrolysis or electrical currents through foot soaking sessions. Electricity puts into the exhausted body exactly what it requires most-Life Force, Nerve Energy! The Ionic Foot Detoxify works dramatically to remove toxins from your body through the feet. It accomplishes this by energizing the water. In light of the fact that our bodies detoxify naturally every day, the dilemma is that most of us lead such demanding lives that it makes it very difficult for our bodies to eliminate toxins completely. Consequently, toxins are stored and not properly removed: they simply build up in our system and the human body does not function at it's optimum level therefore as a result it induces the body to serious discomfort and dis-eases (illnesses). During our normal day to day activities, our bodies are exposed to dangerous toxins which are all over the place in our daily activities and environment: Tobacco, smoke, alcohol, food additives and pesticides, to heavy metals and industrial pollutants, our bodies continuously absorb these toxins which prevent us from performing at our optimum peak. The Ionic Foot Detoxify Machine improves the micro circulation of the blood and helps to re-balance the bodies electrical system. Your cells bio-energy can also be unbalanced by:

Poor diets - food additives, processed foods etc... A lack of fresh fruit and vegetables,
Little or no regular exercise, Drugs and anesthetics, Illnesses and diseases, Stress and worry, Smoking and excessive Alcohol. Any of these can cause poor nutritional absorption which will, in turn, stop the cells from functioning correctly resulting in the inability to rid the body of unwanted toxins. Excessive toxins have many adverse effects on the body, which can include:

Over-Weight, Bad skin, blemished or congested, Colds, flu and sinus problems,
Lethargy and tiredness, Headaches and migraines, Breath and body odor and more. A session of Bio-Energizer Detox treatment can help re balance your body and is a significant advancement in aiding wellness and a feeling of well being. The Benefits of


The Ionic Foot Detoxify initiates the process of rebalancing your body's bio-energy. Effectively re-balancing the cells equilibrium of positive and negative ions which, in turn, ‘kick starts' the dispersal of the unwanted toxins. The renewed re-balancing of the cells ensures re-hydration resulting in optimum efficiency of their function to extract nutrients and dispose of unwanted waste. The result will be renewed energy levels, both physical and mental, with a general feeling of well being.

By Quintin Isaac BA
All rights reserved. Any reproducing of this article must have the author name and all the links intact.

Quintin Isaac BA


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Promoting A Healthy Body by Detoxing and Cell Cleansing

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