Reiki and Abundance
What do you want in life? Do you believe you can have it all? Or do you think that only the lucky ones get the big breaks in life? Are you a lucky or unlucky person?
If you think you're unlucky then this article is for you. How often do we marvel at how easy life is for others; how opportunities just fall into their laps. And we wonder....why is it so difficult for me?
The answer lies in our attitude to life and our needs and in what we think we deserve.
It's so very easy for all of us to imagine that things can go wrong. Our newspapers, magazines and TV are all full of messages of despair, abandon and bad luck. We are sent negative messages every day. We see that those who do reach great success are then ingloriously attacked as being "too successful". We no longer celebrate achievement, but are encouraged to live enjoying the misfortune of others.
Who then do we have as a role model for success? How do we then reach and maintain success if we are sent these confusing and conflicting messages?
Every day, whether we are aware of it or not, we ask the universe for help. "I wish I could win the lottery." "I really want a kind boyfriend." "I wish I could have a well paid job."
All of these are seen by the universe as requests for help and it will try its utmost to help answer your wish. But as we go through each day we are also making statements that contradict our wishes. So each time we wish for that well paid job, we are thinking inside, "It's so lovely to be able to have a long lie in every day." We may wish to win the lottery, but fear deep inside, that if we did, we would lose our familiar and hence comfortable way of life.
The universe cannot provide us with our wishes if we send out contradictory messages.
The blockages that prevent us from receiving the things that we want, sit within our energy system - our aura and chakras - and in our cell memory. In order to truly be abundant in the areas we wish, our hearts and our heads must agree. We need to recognise the immense power that our thoughts and our words carry. Whilst our hearts place a wish, but our heads think of all the reasons for not having the wish fulfilled, then it will not be fulfilled.
Through healing and energy work such as Reiki we can begin to clear out our negative thoughts and energy patterns, so that it becomes easier for us to manifest the things we deserve.
Through healing we can also improve our relationships, so that we enter into and keep only positive relationships. It is much easier to achieve positive results when we are surrounded by people who love us, support us and who believe that we can and will be successful and abundant. It is such a huge challenge to move forward when we have people around us who only wish to keep us standing still.
Believing firmly, without doubt,that you will receive your request will help you achieve it. Having doubts about the outcome ruins everything. You may also decide to keep your wishes to yourself, in order not to let other people's doubts about them affect your confidence.
When placing an order we must also be very careful about our language and the manner in which we place the order. Were I to say, "I want to be rich", the universe will interpret this as my believing I am poor. I will simply be sending out a message of poverty rather than one of wealth. When we place an order we must take the stance that we already have what we want. Hence in order to be rich, I must believe that I am rich and must allow myself to feel rich. In this way the universe can respond to our energy and give us the things to which we are truly aligned.
In ordernot to send out a message of poverty, it is a good idea to start your prayer or meditation by thanking the Universe for what you have already received. Count your blessings with a thankful heart - there are always people out there who are worse off than you. This puts you in a grateful frame of mind and creates a feeling that you are already living in abundance - a much better starting point for asking.
To quote Brandon Bays: "Grace simply cannot resist a grateful heart, and the moment you bring your awareness to what you are most grateful for, grace appears."
There is one more step that is required in gaining true abundance and receiving the things for which we ask. And that is - the ability to let go. Once you have "placed an order" you must release it so that the universe can begin manifesting it. When we hold on to a desire too tightly we never give it the freedom to develop. Treat your wishes as your children - once you have raised them, you let them go to live their own lives. It is the same with manifesting abundance.
You have the power to be and to have all the things that you deserve.
Prosperity and abundance are your birthright. How long will it be before you start to claim your inheritance?