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Spray it On for that gorgeous Golden Glow
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Spray it On for that gorgeous Golden Glow

Hi, my name is Jesse Jones and I wanted to write about this self tanning spray from proto-col that gave me a gorgeous golden glow at will. The best part I liked about this product was that spraying it on gave me an even unblemished tan and it also saved me the bother of rubbing it in for effect.

The safe blend of natural ingredients in proto-col Golden Glow self tanning spray provided me with a rich-looking, sunless tan, in the matter of moments. My favorite tanning spray contains ingredients such as:

  • Dihydroxyacetone (DHA) - Derived from plant sources such as sugar beets and sugar cane, DHA, a carbohydrate, is an essential ingredient in tanning products.
  • Glycerin - An odorless, viscous liquid that is widely used in most pharmaceutical formulations, glycerin is sweet-tasting and has low toxicity.
  • Linalool - A naturally-occurring terpene alcohol chemical found in flowers and spice plants are mostly pleasant smelling; therefore it has many commercial uses.

In addition, the proto-col Golden Glow really suited my skin type; in fact this product is known to be safe and suitable for all skin types. I was personally impressed by its unique application system; spraying on the tanning spray in a fine mist gave me a stunning, natural-looking tan that settled on to my skin instantly and even lasted for up to seven days. I found it to be a safer and easier alternative to the traditional suntan and other sunless tanning methods that are often associated with the dangers of cancer and/or premature ageing.

All I to do was simply spray on the liquid onto my body parts and didn’t even have worry about rubbing it in; the self-tanner dried up in about a minute while I sat back and relaxed. After this the new tanned me was ready to take on the world in my new-found tan that looked and felt natural.

Since I followed all the directions given for its proper use, I got all the desirable results. I:

  • For best results I prepared my skin first by using the Proto-col Body Exfoliant.
  • Then I held the can upright about 15cm away from skin and sprayed evenly over my skin
  • It says on the can that you can apply up to three times a week but since my tan lasted seven days, I used it only once in a week with optimum results.
  • And last but not the least; I was free to use this product in combination with other proto-col tanning products.
  • I found my proto-col Golden Glow self tanning spray easy to use, convenient and largely free from any major adverse side effects. Since they suit all skin types, I feel they are safe for use by anyone, man or woman, who is looking to acquire a natural-looking suntan without spending long hours in the sun.

By Caitlin Thea Phd
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Spray it On for that gorgeous Golden Glow

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