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Supporting Your Partner Through Erectile Dysfunction
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Tags: erectile dysfunction, sexual health

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Being a supportive and understanding partner when your mate is suffering from erectile dysfunction is vital to the survival of the relationship during this period. How a woman responds to her husband will either strengthen the relationship or weaken it. Erectile dysfunction can take a tremendous toll on both partners. Actions can be taken which will help one’s partner feel secure, supported, loved and keep his ego intake. On the other hand, if a woman acts in a demeaning and insensitive manner, the relationship can become really rocky.
When a woman discovers that her spouse or lover has erectile dysfunction, one of the first things that she should do is hit the books. She should find and devour as much information as she can about the condition. Finding out what causes erectile dysfunction will do two things and common ways to treat it will do important things. It will help her understand that she is not to blame. Many women immediately begin to feel bad about themselves and their ability to arouse their partners when they begin to have a hard time getting and keeping an erection. If they spend some time studying ED, they will find that it is not caused by their undesirability. A man can be aroused and still not be able to perform. As a result, they won’t place the blame on themselves or feel discouraged when their efforts to fix the problem do not work. In this sense it empowers a woman and she can in turn empower and encourage her partner.

A second benefit to studying is that it allows women to learn about the available options of treatment.  Armed with this information, she can help her partner choose a course of action or suggest medications or treatments that best fit with their lifestyle.

Another way that woman can support their partners through erectile dysfunction is to simply be there and verbalize their encouragement. However, be careful not to give it too much power and dominate the relationship. Many people allow the condition to consume them and the relationship. Focus on the parts of the relationship that are strong and enjoyable. I don’t advocate ignoring the problem, but keep it in perspective and find ways to be physically close and get each others sexual needs met by being a little creative and flexible.

Once your husband has visited a doctor or has had their ED diagnosed, help them follow the doctor’s order.  Do your best to make sure that they follow a healthy diet, take their medication or whatever treatments are prescribed.

In summary, the best way for a woman to support her husband when he is experiencing erectile dysfunction is to encourage him to get medical attention, express one’s feelings in a kind and understanding way. Find out what role he wants you to play. Help him research treatment options. Lastly, be open to various treatments and be as positive as possible. A woman may find it necessary to receive counseling during this time because she may feel alone during this time. A licensed counselor or a clergy man or woman may provide the support that she needs during what may be a stressful period in ones’ relationship and/or life.

By nehal abidi medical student
All rights reserved. Any reproducing of this article must have the author name and all the links intact.


Biography: Nehal Abidi is an associated editor to the genericpills4less.com

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