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Tadalafil Backdoor to Retaining and Enjoying the Fountain of Youth
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About Tadalafil

Tadalafil, on sexual stimulation, causes the production and release of nitric oxide in the penis resulting in erection of the penis. The nitric oxide causes an enzyme, guanylate cyclase, to produce cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP), that is, primarily responsible for increasing and decreasing the size of the blood vessels in the penis. When the cGMP is destroyed by another enzyme, phosphodiesterase-5, the blood vessels return to their normal size, blood leaves the penis, and the erection ends. Tadalafil prevents phosphodiesterase-5 from destroying cGMP so that cGMP stays around longer in the penis. The persistence of cGMP leads to a more prolonged engorgement of the penis with blood.

  • The medication, Tadalafil, is taken before sexual activity and allows men with erectile dysfunction to achieve and maintain an erection.
  • Men who take Tadalafil can only have an erection in the presence of sexual stimulation. Tadalafil is not an aphrodisiac and does not affect libido or desire.
  • Neither does Tadalafil protect against sexually transmitted diseases, nor does it prevent pregnancy.

Do not take a higher dose of Tadalafil than your doctor orders for you. While using Tadalafil, seek immediate medical attention if you experience the following. They are:

  • An erection lasting more than 4 hours
  • Chest, arm or neck pain, or nausea during sexual activity
  • Sudden loss of vision

Tadalafil for Male Impotence Treatment
There are a variety of treatments available to treat sexual impotency and Tadalafil is one of them. Impotency, as a result of a physical cause, can be aptly treated with drug therapy in combination with a supportive psycho-counseling therapy to lessen the damaging effects of short- or long-term impotence in an individual.

Oral medications that are generally used to treat erectile dysfunction include selective enzyme inhibitors like Sildenafil (Viagra), Vardenafil HCL (Levitra) and Tadalafil (Cialis). These are in a class of medications known as PDE-5 inhibitors. Tadalafil works to reduce the effect of an enzyme called PDE-5 and as a result more blood can flow into the penis and less blood will leave the penis. This therefore results is an improved and longer erection.

Tadalafil, marketed by Elli Lilly and ICOS, helps:

  • Improve the overall erectile function
  • Improve erections sufficient for vaginal penetration
  • Maintain erections for successful sexual intercourse
  • Achieve satisfaction with the hardness of erections
  • Build confidence in one's ability to achieve and maintain an erection


  • Takes effect in as little as 15 minutes
  • Along with sexual stimulation helps achieve an erection quickly
  • Brings with it the 36-hour window that lends normalcy to the sex act
  • Can be taken without any food and alcohol restraints

Clinical trials for Cialis show that it stays longer in the body compared to other selective enzyme inhibitors.

Cialis Tadalafil

Cialis Tadalafil is an approved prescription treatment for men who experience difficulty having and maintaining an erection. Cialis Tadalafil is known to enhance the effects of one of the chemicals the body normally releases into the penis during sexual arousal. This allows for increased blood flow into the penis resulting in an erection. Cialis Tadalafil stays longer in the body however; no studies have been conducted to directly compare the clinical efficacy and safety of Cialis Tadalafil with other impotence drugs.
Cialis Tadalafil is taken orally before sexual activity, not more than once daily, with or without food. In some patients, the dosage and frequency may be adjusted by his healthcare provider. Like all other prescription drugs, Cialis Tadalafil, may also be prone to side effects like:

  • Headache
  • Indigestion
  • Back pain
  • Muscle pain
  • Flushing
  • Stuffy nose

During the course of treatment, patients who are afflicted with back pain and muscle aches usually get them 12 to 24 hours after taking Cialis Tadalafil and usually go away on their own within 48 hours. Cialis Tadalafil should not be used by patients taking nitrates (such as nitroglycerin tablets or patches) or any alpha blocker other than Flomax 4mg daily because these drugs when combined with Cialis Tadalafil could significantly lower blood pressure and lead to fainting spells or even death in certain cases.

How do you take Tadalafil?

  • For most individuals, the recommended starting dose of Tadalafil is 10mg per day prior to sexual activity.
  • Individuals taking medications for increasing blood levels should not exceed a total dose of 10mg in 72 hours
  • Tadalafil may be taken with or without food since food does not affect its absorption from the intestine but excessive alcohol consumption must be controlled.
  • Tadalafil is taken by mouth up to once a day, at least 30-60 minutes before sexual activity, and works for up to 36 hours. The doctor will determine the dose that is best for you.
  • Some men require dose adjustments to find the dose that works best for them and this should be done by a qualified medical professional.
  • Tadalafil must not be taken by men who take:
  • Nitrates, such as nitroglycerin, Nitro-Bid, Isordil, or Deponit
  • Cardura, Flomax, or Hytrin for urinary symptoms

Is Cialis Tadalafil effective?

Cialis Tadalafil is used in treating men who experience a difficulty in having and maintaining an erection that culminates in an orgasm. Cialis Tadalafil is a genuine medicine that works. The recommended dose size is 20mg and should be taken orally at least half-an-hour before sexual activity.

Upon ingestion, Cialis Tadalafil enhances the effects of one of the chemicals that the body normally releases into the penis during sexual arousal. This allows increased blood flow into the penis and erection is the result of this increased blood flow.

Clinical trials have shown that Cialis Tadalafil is effective in more than 80% of the cases when used for the treatment of impotence in men. Most failure cases are found in men who have had some form of surgery induced impotence.

The effects of Cialis Tadalafil last longer and can be taken on an empty stomach or with a meal. In addition, Cialis Tadalafil can be taken even after dining on high fat foods, with no decrease in its effectiveness.

Will Tadalafil cause me to get unwanted erections?

No, Tadalafil will not cause you to get unwanted erections because it does not work on its own. It only aids in causing an erection in the presence of sexual stimulation, without which Tadalafil is ineffective. The reason for this is that where no sexual stimulation is involved the chemicals needed to cause an erection are not released to the genital area. These chemicals only react when the male becomes sexually aroused. Cialis does not affect the release of the chemicals needed; it simply allows the chemicals to stay in the area longer.

By maunik webmaster
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