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The Path to Recovery after Liposuction
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In a typical liposuction surgical procedure, excess fat is removed from your body’s specific localized areas by means of a thin, hollow tube called cannula.

How does a cannula perform liposuction?

Irrespective of the different liposuction packages offered by numerous, leading cosmetic clinics in CA, the main surgery involves insertion of the cannula by way of small incisions made in certain fatty areas of the body. The cannula is then moved to melt the fat. Consequently, the liquefied fat is eliminated via suction by making use of a vacuum pump or a cannula-affixed syringe. After the treatment has ended, your body areas will appear slimmer and well-contoured.

Who are the candidates for liposuction?

They should have overall good health except for a few areas in their body containing excess fat that don’t respond well to either exercise or diet. Targeted areas of liposuction include abdomen, thighs, buttocks, hips, arms, chest, calves etc. It may be noted that liposuction can be done in a solitary manner or in combination with other surgical interventions like abdominoplasty. The liposuction prices too vary accordingly.

The sequence of events that follow liposuction

  • Once your liposuction is completed, you’ll be made to wear a compression outfit custom-designed prior to the commencement of the procedure.
  • You’ll then be transferred to the recovery room. You’ll be kept under watchful monitoring inside the recovery room. All your vital parameters including blood pressure and oxygen levels will be examined and analyzed. Care should be taken to observe and ensure that signs of nausea or dizziness don’t float up. In case they do, you’ll be given proper post-operative treatment to arrest those symptoms. You can expect an acquittal from the liposuction recovery room nearly an hour after the completion of the procedure.
  • In the course of the next 24 hours, you may expect a fluid discharge from the tiny incisions. This is a normal indication and shouldn’t cause any alarming situation.
  • Once the procedure is over, for the initial five days you need to
  • Keep on wearing the compression garment
  • Sustain on fluids
  • Abstain from taking a bath or shower
  • Make movements every two hours to prevent clot formation, induce fluid circulation inside your body and lessen swelling.
  • You make the post-operative visit to the clinic on the fifth day. You’ll be examined thoroughly by removing the compression garment. For the next week and a half, you need to wear the garment round-the-clock. You can remove it only when you take a shower. You can also do light exercises like walking or stretching.
  • Finally, you can resume your normal day-to-day activities two weeks after the procedure.

Are you interested to know more on liposuction & SmartLipo (or Laser Assisted Liposculpture) in Los Angeles? You can simply Google liposuction near me and find us. At Luxe Medical Spa in Oxnard, CA, we conduct a meticulous assessment of your case and offer you a reasonably-priced liposuction package that suits you best.

By Dr. Haimesh Shah Diplomate of the American Board of Laser Surgery and American Board of Venous and Lymphatic Medicine
All rights reserved. Any reproducing of this article must have the author name and all the links intact.


Biography: Dr. Shah completed his internship in general surgery at University of Southern California Los Angeles. He then completed his residency in Internal Medicine at Lincoln Medical and Mental Health Center in New York. He moved back to California in 2011 and currently works as a Hospitalist at Los Robles Hospital & Medical Center (Thousand Oaks) St. John’s Regional Medical Center (Oxnard) and St John’s Pleasant Valley Hospital (Camarillo).

Dr. Shah has a private practice in Phlebology and Hyperbaric Medicine. He specializes in the treatment of varicose veins chronic venous disease and wound care. He is the Medical Director for Ventura Vein Center (Camarillo) a comprehensive center for venous disease. He is also the Medical Director for Hyperbaric Medicine & Wound Healing Center at St John’s Hospitals (Oxnard/Camarillo).

Dr. Shah is Board Certified in Internal Medicine.

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