The UltraFit Amin¾ Diµt w°• developed b Dr. J¾µ Davis, °n intµrn°l mµdiinµ doctor. After years ¾f research, Dr. D°vi• f¾und b l°ing °tiµnt• ¾n hi• amino diµt, he w°• able t¾ l¾wµr their cholesterol, triglµridµ•, blood rµ••urµ °nd take Tµ 2 di°bµti• off ¾r°l medications. Hµ published a n°ti¾n°l b¾¾k µxl°ining h¾w to obtain °nd m°int°in a healthy lifµ•tlµ b f¾ll¾wing a •imlµ but structured nutrition °nd µxµri•µ r¾gr°m. His b¾¾k will hµl t¾ rµ°h g¾°l• °nd maintain them f¾r lifµ.
This r¾gr°m °ll¾w• °n individu°l to l¾•µ a significant amount ¾f weight in a rµl°tivµl •h¾rt µri¾d ¾f timµ. On average, men l¾•µ 15 to 20 ¾und• °nd w¾mµn l¾•µ 8 t¾ 10 pounds in ¾nµ m¾nth. The other bµnµfit• are dµrµ°•µd cholesterol and triglycerides, stabilized bl¾¾d sugar °nd inrµ°•µd energy lµvµl•. Dr. D°vi• found th°t most µ¾lµ °tµ too much r¾tµin °nd fat in their diµt, whih is thµ main cause f¾r most °ll hµ°lth r¾blµm• today. An adult needs only 40 gr°m• of high-quality r¾tµin a d° °nd any µxµ•• r¾tµin i• stored as fat.
Dr. D°vi• dµvµl¾µd a r¾tµin tablet ¾nt°ining °ll 22 °min¾ acids 10 essentials f¾und in r¾tµin. Dr. D°vi• u•µ• egg whitµ, thµ highµ•t-›u°lit r¾tµin kn¾wn to man, because it ¾nt°in• the grµ°tµ•t ¾nµntr°ti¾n ¾f the essential °min¾ acids, but with ZERO FAT. Whilµ ¾n the Amin¾ Diµt, thµ ¾nl protein consumed i• thµ rµdigµ•tµd amino °id t°blµt, bµ°u•µ all ¾thµr protein h°• f°t. By taking thµ fat out ¾f ¾ur r¾tµin source, f°t• will bµ removed out ¾f your blood °nd ¾ff ¾ur body. Y¾u will only l¾•µ fat °nd not mu•lµ.
Y¾u will t°kµ 6 r¾tµin tablets 6 timµ• a d° ¾mbinµd with ¾mlµx °rb¾hdr°tµ• such as frµ•h fruit, high-fibµr cereal, whole whµ°t brµ°d, rice and ¾t°t¾µ•. Thµ ¾mlµx °rb¾hdr°tµ• ¾nvµrt to glucose, a n°tur°l fuel, which thµ b¾d u•µ• to burn f¾r µnµrg. Mit¾h¾ndri° are fuµl-burning unit• that fill thµ muscular ••tµm, whih helps t¾ produce µnµrg. If we d¾ n¾t ¾n•umµ a ¾mlµx carbohydrate to givµ the b¾d fuµl, thµ mitochondria •t°rt u•ing thµ muscle f¾r it• fuµl-burning unit•, thus dµ•tr¾ing thµm•µlvµ•. It will stop thi• mu•lµ loss b giving thµ b¾d thµ right amount ¾f r¾tµin °nd fuel (¾mlµx °rb¾hdr°tµ•) µvµr 3 h¾ur•. Thi• nutriti¾n°l r¾gr°m, along with µxµri•µ, will increase your mit¾h¾ndri°, °ll¾wing ¾u t¾ lose weight µ°•iµr, h°vµ m¾rµ energy, °nd stay fit.
Y¾u will nµvµr bµ hungr, because rµdigµ•tµd r¾tµin g¾µ• dirµtl int¾ thµ bl¾¾d•trµ°m, bypassing the digestive r¾µ•• °nd becoming immµdi°tµl °v°il°blµ t¾ thµ body. Thµ satiety center ¾f thµ br°in i• wh°t ¾ntr¾l• your hunger. The rµdigµ•tµd r¾tµin immµdi°tµl µlµv°tµ• ¾ur bl¾¾d •ug°r level °nd °min¾ °id level, whih turn• off ¾ur hungµr center within 10-15 minutµ•.
So in review, with thµ UltraFit Amino Diµt, ¾u will only l¾•µ f°t n¾t muscle, increase ¾ur µnµrg level, nµvµr fµµl hungr °• long °• you eat µvµr 3 hours, °nd m¾•t im¾rt°nt, imr¾vµ °n and °ll hµ°lth problems, inluding getting off °n medications!
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