Are you unfit and out of shape? Individuals suffering from a poor state of physical and mental health have a higher risk of developing a physiological and psychological disease. It's critical for you to manage your health, failure to do so will reduce your quality of life and result in premature death. Here are a few tips you can implement to improve your physical and mental health. Tips for Staying Physically Healthy Your physical health depends on two factors that ensure the optimal function of your body; Exercise Regularly Regular exercise raises your heart rate and improves cardiovascular function. A healthy heart and lungs will enhance circulation and ensure that your vital organs receive necessary blood and oxygen for optimal biological function. 30-minutes of exercise two or three times a week is all you need to maintain optimal levels of health. Try a sport you enjoy or head to the gym for a session on the treadmill or weight deck. Eat a Balanced Diet You are what you eat. If your diet contains too many foods containing refined sugar and trans-saturated fat, you can expect to experience weight gain and low energy levels. Stop eating candy and drinking sugar-based soda. Avoid eating fast food and replace lousy food choices with meals that are rich in healthy fats, lean proteins, and whole grains. If you struggle with planning a balanced diet, visit a qualified dietician or nutritionist. These professionals will assist you with constructing a meal plan that’s sustainable and meets your daily calorie needs. Tips for Staying Mentally Healthy Your mental health is as important as your physical health. If your mind is in the gutter, you can expect your body to follow into a state of decline. Depression and anxiety are common disorders associated with poor mental health. Here are a few tips to ensure that your mind stays as fit as your body. Stay Social Anti-social behavior drives feelings of loneliness, isolation, and desperation. Human beings are social creatures, and we rely on interaction with others to stay mentally healthy. Make sure that you get out into the world at least once a week. Join a social club, or hang out with friends. Feeling like you belong in a social group has a powerful impact on your mind. Speak to Someone We all need someone to speak to on a deep level. Some people rely on their spouse or a life- long friend to unload their emotional distress. However, if you live far away from family and friends, it may be a challenge to find someone you can confide in and talk to on a regular basis. In this case, seek the help of a clinical psychologist. A counselor will be able to help you identify areas in your life that need improvement. Talking with someone has a tremendous impact on your state of mental health, reach out to a psychologist if you feel you need help managing your emotions. Wrapping Up Staying physically and mentally healthy is a critical part of being a complete human being. Take these tips and use them to improve your sense of well-being.
By John Gelbestein Phd
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