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Top 10 Benefits of Strength Training for Women
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"Women are finally warming up to free weights, and it is a beautiful thing!" states Lynn VanDyke. It's true that women are recognizing strength training as a major player in the battle against fat loss.  Here are the top 10 benefits women receive from strength training:

1) Increased Metabolic Rate- adding muscle increases our metabolism naturally.

2) Increasing and Restoring Bone Density- prevent and fight osteoporosis by building strong bones.

3) Increased Lean Muscle Mass- each pound of lean muscle mass burns 35-50 calories per day.

4) Injury Prevention- a solid foundation strengthens our bones, ligaments, and tendons.

5) Improved Balance- strong leg and core muscles help stabilize us.

6) Decreased Risk of Coronary Disease- strength training can reduce blood pressure and cholesterol levels.

7) Aids Rehabilitation and Recovery- the best way to strengthen and recover from an injury is to slowly build your strength around the injured area.

8) Enhanced Performance in Sports, Exercise and Life In General- climbing stairs, carrying the kids, or walking with your spouse becomes more enjoyable.

9) Aging Gracefully- strong muscles build a strong body.
Strength training and fitness can help keep aging bodies in well-working condition.

10) Feeling Better and Looking Better- strength training reduces overall body fat, it tones our muscles and it builds confidence.

These top 10 benefits all come for free when you begin a proper strength training routine.  Be sure to check with your doctor before beginning any new fitness program.

By Lynn VanDyke
All rights reserved. Any reproducing of this article must have the author name and all the links intact.


Biography: Lynn VanDyke's newest ebook has been rated the #1 Fitness ebook on the net by the No Limits subscribers.

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